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(7) MY CONTENT Read This: Review Motorola Moto G – The best cheap smartphone
The reading will follow allied technology, relying on the Amazon, with the Kindle Paperwhite. The company improves its products with each new release, without detracting from the predecessors. You can have a Kindle Paperwhite in Brazil for $ 479. Listen now to the review of the best e-book reader market.
If you do not know Amazon products for reading digital books and are looking for a good product for this purpose, you will not regret, because the Kindle Paperwhite is undoubtedly the best option you have at this time. It is not a tablet, much less a smartphone, it plays only for which it is proposed, however it does with praise and you will see it now.
“title” best e-reader does not come yesterday, Amazon has outperformed competitors for at least 6 years. The Paperwhite came to Brazil in the second half of 2013 – more precisely on September 03 -. With new features, Page Flip, Vocabulary Builder and much more
Kindle Paperwhite processor is faster – about 25% – than the previous version, the quick response to commands is proof that you do not expect to turn a page or do any other operation on Kindle
packing Kindle is quite sophisticated, is not small, but it is very beautiful to keep. On the front cover, a kind of x-ray that is present inside the box, a picture embossed Kindle with the exact dimensions of the device. Removing this case, we have the box itself, matte black with the logo in front of the Amazon.
Inside the box, only two items, the Kindle and the cable for file transfer and charging. There is a connector for power, so the Kindle battery should be charged via USB port.
Thin, comfortable and lightweight. The Kindle Paperwhite line follows the premise of the preceding, with a perfect size for a proper reading without extrapolate the size of the hand. Its dimensions are: 169mm high x 117mm long x 9.1 mm thick. It is lightweight at 213 grams for the WiFi model and 214 grams in the model with 3G.
Photo: Amazon / dissemination matte appearance and rounded corners give lightness also in touch with the unit, simplicity in handling. The only part with “corners” where is it connects the USB cable to charge the battery and power button.
Amazon is emblazoned in low relief on the back of the Kindle, this off the back of the e-reader is simple and beautiful at the same time.
Márcio Bohrer
Role: Chief Editor | City: Santa Cruz do Sul / RS | Editor since: 02/01/2013
fond of practical, addicted to TV series, movies, games and football. Photographer, Journalist in training. Fond of radio, sports and technology.
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