Friday, January 31, 2014

Kindle Tablet 'Immersion Reading' is a Book Lover's Dream - CIO (blog)

In general, I’m not a big fan of audiobooks. But I’m seriously enjoying “immersion reading” on my Amazon Kindle Fire tablet HDX. It’s “Whispersync for Voice” feature combines professional audio narration (from books) with real-time highlighting Kindle ebook.

I enjoy seeing words on the page or, more recently, on the screen, so I mostly avoid audiobooks. I like to see the structure built the writer: how the sentences, paragraphs and punctuation look. When I listen to an audiobook, I miss that part of the experience. As a result, I find que During most audiobooks, my attention wanders, Especially if I listen while driving or walking.

Amazon’s immersion reading brings together the best of the printed book and audiobook experiences. As the professional narrator brings the story to life, the Corresponding words are automatically highlighted in the Kindle book. The narrator, provided he or she is doing a good job, pulls you deeply into the story. The animated words hold your attention while showcasing the author’s writing style. Narrator reading too slowly? You can easily speed him or her up, Nearly to Alvin and The Chipmunks speed.

Currently, I’m listening to / reading Armistead Maupin’s latest Tales of the City novel, The Days of Anna Madrigal , with actress Kate Mulgrew (Star Trek: Voyager ) doing a bang-up job the narrator


Amazon Kindle Fire HDX immersion reading

Unfortunately, immersion reading is currently limited to owners of Kindle Fire HD, HDX and HDX 8.9 tablets. But if you’re a Kindle tablet hold-out, immersion reading is a good reason to consider owning one. (The recent article by ‘s Al Sacco, “8 Things That Does Kindle Fire HDX iPad Air Can not,” offers other Reasons why you might want a Kindle tablet.)

Not surprisingly, the audiobook narration is an additional purchase. With Maupin’s book, for example, I paid $ 12.29 for the Kindle edition and $ 11.99 for Audible’s unabridged audio edition. You do not need an Audible subscription paid to the Audible add narration to your Kindle ebook, however.

You’re not completely out of luck if you do not own a Kindle tablet. With Amazon’s Whispersync for Voice feature, you can switch between listening to the narration and reading the book on different devices without losing your place. Let’s say you stop listening to the audiobook in the Audible app on your iPhone at the beginning of Chapter 4. When you open the same ebook on your Kindle Paperwhite, you can start reading at the beginning of Chapter 4. You just do not get the audio and ebook reading experience together.

If you’re a book lover, or used to be and have grown a bit jaded, you might enjoy reading immersion once you get past the price of entry-$ 139 for the least expensive Kindle tablet, the last-generation Kindle Fire HD.

Amazon to Offer Kindle Checkout System to Physical Retailers - Wall Street Journal


29, 2014 5:22 p.m. ET

Jeff Bezos, CEO of, During a press conference in New York. European Pressphoto Agency Inc.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Amazon: Kindle monetization via in Brazil - Baguette (press release)

Amazon launched on Thursday, 30, his associates program in Brazil, which enables website owners monetize advertising in e-books for Kindle.

Kindle store now with the partner program. Photo:. Disclosure

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The initiative follows the lines of what is already done in the U.S. Amazon store. Members can choose from among the approximately 2 million digital books in the catalog in English and 28,000 in Portuguese available from online store.

From that, the owners of e-commerce can post links directing visitors to the books National Kindle Store. Membership is free, as pointed out in a note to Amazon.

Members earn a referral fee based on percentage when customers click and buy the books on Amazon. The fee applies to all securities purchased within 24 hours access via link associated.

Another detail is that the commission, which varies from 4% to 8.5%, not restricted to title suggested in the link, but all securities purchased by the netizen who used the link. The information is for Computerworld.

“The associates in Brazil will have access to the same tools, the tracking and reliable reports that millions of members around the world have used the last 17 years,” says Alex Szapiro, country Brazil’s retail manager.

Amazon to Offer Kindle Checkout System to Physical Retailers - Wall Street Journal


29, 2014 5:22 p.m. ET

Jeff Bezos, CEO of, During a press conference in New York. European Pressphoto Agency Inc.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Amazon is reportedly building a Kindle-based retail checkout system - The Verge

Amazon is building a point-of-sale system based on the Kindle Fire That It will offer to merchants, According to a new report. The Wall Street Journal reports the Kindle que checkout system, Which Could be available to the early this summer, will let brick-and-mortar retailers ring up customers’ purchases using the Kindle in Conjunction with the credit- card reader.

The system is reportedly being built by former engineers at the San Francisco startup GoPago, Which was acquired by DoubleBeam last month. As the Journal notes, Amazon’s entry into the world of physical retail would give it a chance to mine data on the shopping habits of customers in stores, where 90 percent of business still takes place. It comes at a time When Apple is said to be Pursuing the mobile payments service of its own.

Getting merchants to adopt such a system will be Difficult

But getting merchants to adopt such a system will be Difficult, if not impossible. Square, Which makes the point-of-sale system of its own tied to Apple’s iPad, has struggled to Attract other national retailers after signing a deal with Starbucksin 2012. The costs and employee re-training required to switch away from traditional checkout systems, such as Those made by NCR Corp. and VeriFone., Can be prohibitive.

That’s why Amazon plans start by offering the system to smaller retailers, According to the Journal , Which says Amazon might still abandon the project. In an effort to win Their business, Amazon has Considered offering help with website development, data analysis, and promotions, the report said.

An Amazon spokeswoman declined to comment.

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Review Kindle Paperwhite - Office of Net

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The reading will follow allied technology, relying on the Amazon, with the Kindle Paperwhite. The company improves its products with each new release, without detracting from the predecessors. You can have a Kindle Paperwhite in Brazil for $ 479. Listen now to the review of the best e-book reader market.

If you do not know Amazon products for reading digital books and are looking for a good product for this purpose, you will not regret, because the Kindle Paperwhite is undoubtedly the best option you have at this time. It is not a tablet, much less a smartphone, it plays only for which it is proposed, however it does with praise and you will see it now.

“title” best e-reader does not come yesterday, Amazon has outperformed competitors for at least 6 years. The Paperwhite came to Brazil in the second half of 2013 – more precisely on September 03 -. With new features, Page Flip, Vocabulary Builder and much more

Kindle Paperwhite processor is faster – about 25% – than the previous version, the quick response to commands is proof that you do not expect to turn a page or do any other operation on Kindle



packing Kindle is quite sophisticated, is not small, but it is very beautiful to keep. On the front cover, a kind of x-ray that is present inside the box, a picture embossed Kindle with the exact dimensions of the device. Removing this case, we have the box itself, matte black with the logo in front of the Amazon.

Inside the box, only two items, the Kindle and the cable for file transfer and charging. There is a connector for power, so the Kindle battery should be charged via USB port.


Thin, comfortable and lightweight. The Kindle Paperwhite line follows the premise of the preceding, with a perfect size for a proper reading without extrapolate the size of the hand. Its dimensions are: 169mm high x 117mm long x 9.1 mm thick. It is lightweight at 213 grams for the WiFi model and 214 grams in the model with 3G.

Photo: Amazon / release
Photo: Amazon / dissemination

matte appearance and rounded corners give lightness also in touch with the unit, simplicity in handling. The only part with “corners” where is it connects the USB cable to charge the battery and power button.

Amazon is emblazoned in low relief on the back of the Kindle, this off the back of the e-reader is simple and beautiful at the same time.


The screen of the Kindle is different from a tablet, with excellent lighting and easy adjustment, the e-ink technology has a resolution of 1024 x 758 pixels, ie, a resolution of 212 pixels per inch. The screen is matte – preventing fat fingers get in the way of your reading; lighting is coming from the ends and not the back, providing a reading that does not tire the eyes is super-light environments or in low-light environments. The Kindle is designed to provide its users the best reading experience between specific devices for this purpose. According to demonstrated by Amazon’s own image, you can see that the lighting system is coupled above the touch screen, and the screen with the text of the e-book.

Photo: Amazon / Disclosure
Photo: Amazon / dissemination

The light distribution is uniform and constant, bringing total comfort at the time of reading. One of the coolest features of Kindle Paperwhite, is the control of fixed lighting in the top menu of the device, with a simple tap on the top of the screen, the menu is displayed, the symbol ( LAMP) is this control , just a smooth glide to decrease or increase the capacity of lighting the screen



battery efficiency Kindle Paperwhite is interesting, the company says that the device can yield up to 8 weeks with moderate use, ie: 30 minutes of daily reading off Wi-Fi and 10-level lighting; these data, compared to smartphones and tablets is absurdly superior, is clear, however, that the Kindle does not have connections and a multitude of applications. I confess that I picked up the Kindle with less than 50% battery at the time of writing this review, it is with the higher load level to 20%.

Photo: Amazon / release
Photo: Amazon / dissemination


Kindle Paperwhite has no physical buttons, except for the tiny power button, located next to the USB connector, which follows the trends. You certainly will not miss the physical buttons, the Kindle supplies everything on your screen.

Notes and bookmarks are important when a more specific reading, the Kindle provides these features very fast and simple way. Simply tap the top of the screen to open the menu, there you have several tools:


You can change the font reading, increase or decrease the font size, change the spacing between the lines and also increase or decrease the margins.

Skip to

With this feature you can move chapters, pages, or position of the book you are reading. You can also skip to the notes you made while reading -. As a way to recap some passages


system X-Ray Kindle Paperwhite is triggered when you select a specific word by placing your finger over the word, a new window will open; her you its definition by Dictionary, X-Ray tab and also the definition by Wikipedia.


The Kindle also has a feature to share snippets of text in social networks, it is still possible to add comment to this sharing.

Highlight text

Selecting a snippet of text, you can highlight, share, add notes and even search, translate or report error content.


Touching your finger on the top right corner of the screen, the markers are presented with the option of a new one. This option is interesting to return to contents that have already passed and are important. When selecting an existing tag, a second page is displayed so you can see the words highlighted.

Page Flip

Page Flip is one of the great tools presented by Paperwhite Kindle, you can browse / peruse the book with finger sliding on the screen without leaving the current page. This is another way to recap something that has passed or take a peek at the text that is to come.

heeding: With the charger plugged in and stirring up all these functions I mentioned above, the Kindle eventually crash and restart. I’m quoting this episode because it was the only time the unit had crash or slow to respond to commands. I’ll credit what happened to it being demanding enough of it, something you will do when reading an e-book.

1-5 of 67 Photo Gallery – Review Kindle Paperwhite

Amazon Store

The store has thousands of e-books available in multiple languages, is separated by categories, and specific sections. It is very easy to browse the Amazon store. You can also transfer from your computer to your Kindle PDF files. In addition, the Kindle is compatible with the following formats: AZW, PDF, MOBI, PRC and TXT, DOC, DOCX, HTML, JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP. The unique format not compatible with the Kindle is the ePUB, specific format for digital publications, however, can credit the absence of intent to sell that Amazon has.


It is very difficult to find defects in the Kindle Paperwhite, Amazon optimizes its products with each new release. Facilities to remember / highlight excerpts of books without leaving the current page will provide total comfort and mobility to read at any time and place, either too bright or dark. Recalling that the Kindle costs $ 479 per standard price. If your idea is to read, read and read, the Kindle is the most recommended of the moment.

All tests were done on the basis that the Office of Net believes are the main points to be compared with similar products.

Pros and cons

See the main points in favor and against the main points of the product:


  • excellent reading experience
  • features that facilitate search and shares;
  • Very comfortable and fits in the hand.


  • The experimental web browser is rather slow;
  • No charger included.



Check out the report cards we made for the product.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Display 9
Usability 8
Battery 9
Performance 9
Design 9

Márcio Bohrer
Márcio Bohrer

Role: Chief Editor | City: Santa Cruz do Sul / RS | Editor since: 02/01/2013

fond of practical, addicted to TV series, movies, games and football. Photographer, Journalist in training. Fond of radio, sports and technology.

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