Saturday, October 31, 2015

Amazon brings its white Kindle to the UK – Engadget

Amazon's Kindle White

Amazon offers a range of different Kindle e-readers depending on your budget, but Normally They always come in black. If you’ve wanted to stand out from the crowd, the only option Has Been to buy the colorful case or import the white model from Japan or China. Now, UK customers can enjoy a little bit more variety after the retailer Decided to bring the white version east for the first team. It offers all of the same features of its black counterpart, including the 800 x 600 e-paper touchscreen, WiFi, 4GB of storage and the £ 60 price tag, and will ship from today

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Friday, October 30, 2015

Niemiecki Konkurent Kindla udowadnia, że ​​się liczą też Inne czytniki – Spider’s Web

Po prawie trzech latach popsuł się mój Kindle Paperwhite, ten pierwszy model z podświetlanym ekranem. Po prostu przestał reagować in guzika przyciśnięcie, zastygł z Jakas Reklama książki in wyświetlaczu. Wspaniali ludzie zmówili się przez Internet podarowali i mi Nowy czytnik (Dziękuję Wspaniały prezent!) Tolino Vision 2. Już po Dwóch dniach Dziwne mam i spostrzeżenia przemyślenia .

Uwielbiałam mojego Kindle’a, było to Pierwsze urządzenie, które nie irytowało mnie jakimiś niedoróbkami, the którego nigdy nie miałam pretensji. Za to w ostatnim czasie zaczął irytować mnie sam Amazon. Zdarzało mi się w nim książki kupować -. Cały proces kupowania z poziomu Kindle’a to jednoklikowa bajka, chmura to Świetne rozwiązanie, ekosystem Amazon to prostota

 Tolino 014

jednak kupowanie książek in Kindle’a się z Amazon stalo wrzodem in tyłku – gdy kiedys pobrałam jakis tytuł i chciałam przerzucić go in Androida, gdy okazało się, że to format * .azw DRM-z in i mój ulubiony czytnik Moon Reader Pro ma z nim problemy (czytnik Amazon in smartfony jest okropny, czytanie w nim to mordęga) postanowiłam, że może czas skończyć z tym “monopoly w trakcie powstawania.”

Moi darczyńcy the tym wiedzieli, podarowali mi wiec czytnik nie Amazon, za to z podświetlanym, dotykowym ekranem.

Podświetlenie Tolino jest białe, nie tak jak w Starym niebieskawe Kindle’u, the Tego nie ma denerwujących rozświetlonych krawędzi. Zdziwił mnie przycisk in górnej krawędzi służący the całkowitego wyłączenia podświetlenia, ale w dzień sprawdził się dobrze.

Sam czytnik wykonany jest solidnie, z tego lekko zamszowego materiálu. Jest Lekki, lżejszy niż stary Kindle, i bardziej obly. Estetycznie nie MOGE mieć the niego żadnych zarzutów. Prostota, minimalizm i solidność to zawsze plusy.

 Tolino 003

Z tym, że Tolino ma Jedna, zasadnicza różnicę – ekran nie jest wklęsły jak w Paperwhite, tylko jest z Rowny ramka. Być może to kwestia wodoodporności (Tolino można zabrać the Wanny bez żadnych obaw!), Jednak przy czytaniu trzeba przyzwyczaić się of Tego, palcem że się nie wyczuwa krawędzi i można niechcący zmienić Strone przez nieuważne przesunięcie palca. Tylko, że przeczytałam in neem dopiero Jedna książkę, być może przyzwyczaję się of Tego

Tolino in Gorze ma też przycisk odblokowywania ekranu -. Niepotrzebne są dodatkowe gesty – to the dole dotykowy przycisk “home” ktorým wraca się z każdego miejsca the głównego ekranu.

 Tolino 013

Czytnik ma też dodatkową, ciekawą funkcję. “Tapnięciem” palcem w Plecki można przerzucić Strone, co ma być pomocne przy trzymaniu Tolino Jedna dłonią. Tap2flip in początku wymagał opanowania, jednak z Každá koleją Strona używa się go coraz swobodniej. Funkcja działa nawet przy trzymaniu innych palców in obudowie.

Czytanie in jest Tolino niemal jednakową przyjemnością, in co Paperwhite. Lepsze podświetlenie robi różnicę (nie mam porównania z nowymi Kindle’ami, bo jak Každý posiadacz czytników wie, czytniki wymienia się dopiero, gdy to konieczne!), Rozdzielczość 1024 × 768 pikseli może nie jest tak jak w nowych powalająca czytnikach, ale w pelni wystarczająca the czytania komfortowego. Interfejs nie jest tak jak w Kindle’ach przemyślany, Amazon nie ma tu konkurentów, ale nie jest też niepotrzebnie skomplikowany i nie trzeba się go uczyć by używać -. Wszystko jest logiczne

Ze strony czytania ma się dostęp the podświetlania, dodawania notatek, ustawień fontów i jasności, obracania ekranu, zakładek, wyszukiwania w pliku, rozdziałów i informacji the postępie w czytaniu. Strona główna to za to trochę dziwny twór.

 Tolino 009

2/3 strony zajmuje podgląd trzech ostatnio czytanych książek, dół to Oferty książkowe . online

Bo Tolino to projekt niemieckich księgarni, które postanowiły połączyć síly i stworzyć czytnik konkurujący Kindle’ami z

Idea Tolino jest z walka monopolem Amazonu -. Deutsche Telekom stworzył Sprzet i chmurę , różne niemieckie księgarnie sprzedają Tolino i integrują go ze swoimi sklepami. Z czytnika MOGE przeglądać you dla mnie nieprzydatne miejsca, jednak się nie wkurzam. Tolino dostępne jest w oficjalnie kilku państwach EUROPEJSKICH i pomaga tam walczyć z Amazonem i niemal bezkonkurencyjnymi cenami Kindle’a. Może kiedys doczekamy się w Polsce go.

Tolino udowadnia mi, że czytniki to nie tylko Kindle i że można zrobić naprawdę dobry, solidny i przyjemny czytnik nie będąc Amazonem. Genialny prezent od wspaniałych znajomych



Thursday, October 29, 2015

Kindle: YSD Improvement Process Detailed Taking Steps – Yankton Daily Press

Yankton School District’s Crane Youngworth / Williams Field survey results are part of a much larger plan for future analysis, school officals said Wednesday.

YSD held a public meeting at the Yankton High School theater to report the results and Provide an opportunity for community members to discuss Those results.

The results Were first released at the October school board meeting and Have Been available online for public viewing.

Wednesday’s public meeting reiterated Those results and informed community members of the school board’s next steps. This includes conducting a comprehensive facilities study to be presented at the April school board meeting by the architectural firm TSP.

Superintendent Dr. Wayne Kindle reassured audience members of YSD’s efforts to include the public in the coming Decisions.

“The important piece of all this is That We are going to take our time doing it,” he said. “We are going to go building by building and we are going to have a lot of input.”

The importance of this study stems not only from Decisions Regarding athletics , but Also concerns of educational facilities.

Beadle Elementary School is reaching 90 years old, he Noted. The other elementary schools are Also aging. There Have Been multiple improvements done in all of These buildings over the years, but Kindle knows there is nothing wrong with taking an extra look.

“We are looking at some facilities ages, “he said. “We have done a really good job as a district with maintenance and repair. But we feel que there is an opportunity to go through and take a look at These, Provide some upgrades and just Enhance our learning environment for our kids.”

Not only will the comprehensive study handsome current facilities, YSD will Also look at the future of Yankton and what improvements will tie in best.

“We are looking 20-25 years down the road on what shouldnt be looking at our facilities,” Kindle said. “We will include demographic studies, where the city is going and where it’s not.”

The work on the comprehensive facilities study progresses, Kindle emphasized the importance of opinions from staff, administrators and the community.

“There will be no surprises,” he said. “We are going to keep you all informed the way. We Encourage you, When que team comes for public input, to Get Involved.”

There Were more than 1,100 community members who participated in the Crane Youngworth / Williams Field survey, as well as more than 350 high school students. The survey Involved six main questions.

The outline of the results Showed an overwhelming support for athletics to remain at Crane Youngworth because of the history of the field. But surprisingly, most of que combined input was Gained from high school students taking the survey rather than adults.

Some of the other higher numbers included improvements of the restroom facilities in either location, as well as larger percentage of Those que wish to stay with a grass field rather than move to the turf synthetics.

The results Also included more than 300 comments from survey participants. All of the comments are available for public viewing on YSD’s website.

“As you know, When You get behind anything and anonymously put comments down, you’ll get a wide variety, “Kindle said. “But That Is what we asked for. We are being very up front and honest. We did not Eliminate any of Them. Everything people said is in there.”

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White 6-inch Kindle now available in the UK – SlashGear

The white 6-inch Amazon Kindle Has Been around in Japan and China for a while now, but was offered nowhere outside of Those countries. In other parts of the world, we had only the black Kindle the an option. That has now changed with Amazon offering the Kindle to white buyers in the UK. Fans of the white color in the US and other countries are still stuck with the black version only.

Other than being swathed in a white case, the Kindle is the same on the inside of the black one. It has a 6-inch glare free touchscreen designed to be the readable outside in the bright sun it is the inside in the house. The new Kindle has 4GB of on-device storage, Which will hold Thousands of books.

If you fill up the on-device storage, Amazon offers free cloud storage as well. Power comes from an internal battery good for up to four weeks of use based on a half hour of reading each day. It takes four hours to fully charge the device.

It supports book formats que Amazon sells and TXT, PDF, and other file formats. The white 6-inch Kindle will sell for £ 59.99 with special offers and ships free in the UK

SOURCE:. Amazon


How the book fought back against the Kindle – The Times (subscription)

We were Told the book was dead. Reading the we Knew it was over. Could we forget Bookshops and browsing and bedtime stories, Which in the post-Kindle world would never be the same again.

In 2007, When Amazon released the first of its sleek, silky tablets, the publishing industry Began to panic. These revolutionary readers looked like the future (They Were even the color of the future: steely gray). It suddenly Seemed that “real” books would gather cobwebs and disappear dustily into the past.

The furious speed with ebooks Which Were taking over the world was surprising even Amazon. The


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Amazon’s new Kindle is a bit of all white –

Amazon has revealed a new version of its Kindle with a festive feel just in time for Christmas. Yes, this Kindle is snowy white.

Apart from being white the new Kindle is the same as the current black model in terms of specs and offerings.

That means the white Kindle features the low-power touch screen display capable of a battery life of over a month. Access to over one million books is possible via the Kindle Store. The device is 20 per cent faster than the previous generation and offers double the storage space.

Amazon features include Whispersync is picking up where you left off across devices, X-Ray to quickly look up character information, plus adjustable font sizes all in a small form.

Parent friendly features include Vocabulary Builder and Word Wise to help children learn while reading.

The Kindle White is available now for £ 60.

More books are available via Kindle Unlimited is £ 8 per month giving access to one million books and Thousands of audiobooks with unlimited listening and reading. Plus there’s Kindle First Which offers a monthly book in advance of Their release is 99p or free to Prime members

READ:. Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (2015 ) vs Amazon Kindle Voyage: What’s the difference



Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Why Apple Inc Should Not Fear $ 49 Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet? – Bidness ETC

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), the pioneer in the smartphone and tablet industry, has Become the world’s most profitable company, since its first smartphone launch in 2007. Following its smartphone’s success, the company released its first tablet, the iPad in 2010. The tablet was an instant hit in BOTH the commercial, and the consumer market, mostly because of its portability and easy-to-use.nature. This led companies, such as Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (OTCMKTS: SSNLF), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT), and, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) to release Their own line of tablet computers, but failed to make a sizeable impact on the market que Apple now dominates. So far, Apple has sold more than 250 million iPad units.


Apple Has Been successful for many Reasons; the number of applications on its App Store, Specifically for the iPad, Which are far more than the apps available on the Google Inc.’s (NASDAQ: GOOG) Play Store and the Microsoft Store. The tech giant Also optimizes its hardware and software to produce the best performance and stay ahead of other tablets in the same category.


Since its launch, Apple has released six different versions of the iPad. The tablet’s first generation had a 9.7-inch screen with “home” button on the bottom center of the device. These design elements Have Been carried forward to all the iPad models since. The second generation iPad had a front facing camera and Introduced a feature called “Face Time”. This was hugely popular, the people Could video call Their friends and family the long the They Were on a compatible Apple device. With every new generation, the company added a better graphics processor and features que maintained an edge over its competitors. The iPad Pro’s recent announcement has Apple enthusiasts excited, As They can not wait to try out its latest offering. Also this led to Apple being able to maintain its market share, even though there are other options que offered similar or better specs than the iPad.


Amazon Has Been desperately trying to get a chunk of this lucrative market. However, According to recent results, it has not Been able to to so. Amazon’s Kindle Fire Tablet line has received mixed reviews, even though the device offers decent specs at a very reasonable price the Compared to Apple’s high priced tablet PC.


According to the recent results, the iPad’s sales Were down to 21.4 million units; the 17.4% decline since the last quarter. Apple still sells almost twice the number of tablets, the Compared to four of its major competitors; this shows Apple’s strength in the industry tablet. Amazon, in the most recent results has shown a 70% decline in Kindle Fire sales, and shipped a measly 1.7 million units, with only a 2.3% market share.


This led to Amazon recently revamping its tablet line, it knows the que it can not compete with Apple in the consumer and business sector. This led to the company to come out with a $ 49 tablet users who need to target tablet for entertainment purposes. This new strategy is Aimed directly at Apple to Attract customers who do not feel comfortable forking out $ 500 for a new iPad and can opt for a cheaper tablet.


However, Apple does not need to be worried about Amazon’s strategy, its product line is the far superior than any other tablet on the market. Amazon, Which has the market mostly in the US will not Affect iPad sales Apple’s tablet is sold all over the world. Apple has a strong customer base and the retention rate for people buying Apple devices for the newer generation is over 60%. That being said, Apple will dominate the tablet market Likely until the companies like Amazon release a truly revolutionary product.


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Lending Kindle Books – New York Times


Kindle Books

Q. I have a Kindle e-reader and my friend has an Android tablet with the Kindle app on it. Can we lend each other e-books?

. Amazon does not require ownership of one of its Kindle e-readers to lend and borrow its Kindle e-books. One or BOTH people can use one of the company’s many Kindle reading apps for mobile devices and computers to share.

To lend a Kindle book to a friend, log in to the Amazon site and go to the Manage My Content and Devices page from the Your Account menu. In your list of Purchased Kindle books, select the title in the list and click the Action button next to it. In the Actions menu, select Loan This Title. On the next screen, enter the email address of the borrower and send the message book.

The message includes a link to download the book lent. Then the person has 14 days to read it, and During que team you will not be able to use que same title. To return the borrowed Kindle e-book, your friend shouldnt log into Amazon, go to the Manage My Content and Devices page, select the book and on the Actions menu choose Delete From Library.

The book can be lent only one time. If the loan is not accepted after seven days, the book passe available in your library, and you can lend it out again. Not all Kindle books Amazon sells can be lent, either. Watch for the Loan This Title option When You select a book from the list on your Amazon content page.

Locking Up

An iPhone

Q. I updated my iPhone 5 to iOS 9 and it asked me to enter the passcode, Which I did. But I’m tired of having to type in the number all the team, so how do I turn it off again?

. Apple recommends using the passcode to protect data if your phone is lost or stolen, but you can turn it off or change the setting so That You Have to enter it less frequently. On the iPhone 5, open the Settings icon and tap Passcode.

Enter your passcode number. On the Passcode Lock screen, you can now turn off the setting or give yourself up to a four-hour window of not having to enter the code to use the phone.

TIP OF THE WEEK Even on the supersharp computer display, it is still possible to lose sight of your mouse pointer in a sea of ​​open windows. The latest version of Mac OS X (10.11, also known El Capitan) offers an easy way to locate your cursor. Just shake your finger back and forth on the trackpad – or jiggle the mouse – to see the small black arrow turn into a big black arrow until you stop wiggling. (If you find the feature annoying while gaming, you can disable it by opening the Settings icon, Selecting Accessibility, Then display, and turning off the checkbox next to “Shake mouse pointer to locate.”)

In many versions of Windows, you can turn on a checkbox on the Pointer Options tab in the Mouse control panel que highlights the cursor position on screen When You press the Control key. In Windows 10, you can even turn the white mouse pointer black and change its size. From the Start menu, select Settings, Then Ease of Access. From the list on the left, choose Mouse to see the options for size and color pointer.

JD Biersdorfer

Friday, October 23, 2015

Embrace the new Kindle Paperwhite for reading bliss – Cult of Mac

Get a gazillion books at your fingertips day and night with the Kindle Paperwhite.
Get a gazillion books at your fingertips day and night with the Kindle Paperwhite.
Photo: Jim Merithew / Cult of Mac

Amazon is giving away a free kindle with this Braun razor – but what’s the catch? –

Online retailer Amazon has launched a giveaway for Christmas shopping early birds – and Consumers can get a free kindle worth £ 49.99, When You order one of two online items.

Order Braun Series 7 790cc-4 Electric Shaver with Cleaning Centre – £ 145.00, or the Braun Series 5 5040s Wet and Dry Foil Electric Shaver – Currently £ 109.40, and you’ll get the £ 49.99 kindle thrown into your basket for free.

The savings amount to around £ 50 off the RRP – and can work out perfect for Those after his and hers gifts this Christmas but are stuck for inspiration.

The freebie is valid from Monday 19 October 19 2015, until 23:59 Sunday 15 November 15, 2015 -. and is only redeemable once per person

Shoppers can select from the Following Braun list of devices, BOTH have 4.5 star ratings on Amazon. You can click on the links below to browse reviews.

The free kindle

The kindle on offer is Amazon’s 6 “Glare-Free Touchscreen device Wi-Fi. – listed the £ 49.99

The 6-inch model comes with touchscreen display que reads like real paper -. there’s the screen glare, including in bright sunlight

It has 4GB storage, weighs 191 grams, that’s lighter than a paperback, and has a 4-hour battery life.

Stuck on Which kindle to invest in? Find out Which e-reader is for you in our Amazon Kindle guide.

For more ways to at save the e-store, here’s our list on the best Amazon voucher codes and deals

Prime members can Also get £ 10 off Their first order with Amazon this trick -.. find out what Amazon Prime is here


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Offering Discounts On Amazon Kindle Devices, Bundles, But Only Until Oct. 21 – Tech Times

 Amazon Kindle Offer

Amazon’s Kindles are on sale and customers can save as much the 43 percent. Interested customers will have to act fast as the sale ends Oct. 21.
(Photo: Amazon)

Amazon Kindle devices are available at discounted rates from the online retailer but only till Wednesday, Oct. 21.

Kindle devices lackluster in comparison to many top-end tablets available in the market. However, the e-readers are still preferred by many customers who want to own the device targeted Primarily at reading e-books.

The latest offers by Amazon may be a good time for readers who want to buy Their first Kindle or want to upgrade to a new and better e-reader.

The entry-level Kindle with Special Offers has a price tag of $ 79.99 but It Has Been discounted by 25 percent and customers can purchase the e-reader for $ 59. The dedicated 6-inch e-reader has 4 GB of internal storage can hold que Thousands of e-books.

Kindles with Special Offer receive special offers and sponsored screensavers for Kindle books directly from Amazon. Kindles without Special Offers do not get any of the above.

The entry-level Kindle weighs only 6.7 ounces. A single full charge can last up to four weeks. The base model Kindle without the Special Offers has Also Been reduced from $ 99.99 to $ 79.99.

The Kindle for Kids Bundle que includes an entry level Kindle, 2-year accident protection provided by SquareTrade and a kid- friendly cover, Which is available in black, blue, green, pink and purple colors, Has Also Been reduced from $ 139.97 to $ 79.99. – a massive saving of $ 59.98, or 43 percent

Amazon is Also offering the Kindle Paperwhite at a discount of $ 20. The original price of the e-reader is $ 119 but customers can buy it for $ 99.

Users of the Paperwhite can benefit from the front-lit display , Which makes it easy to read at night. The e-reader Also has a high display resolution of 300 pixels per inch (ppi).

A single full battery charge can offer up to six weeks of reading. The Paperwhite weighs 7.2 ounces.

Amazon Kindles go on sale at random times of the year. The latest sale, Which ends Oct. 21 may entice customers who do not want to wait until Black Friday, Which is just about a month away, When more devices will be available at discounted prices.

© 2015 Tech Times, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.


Monday, October 19, 2015

Amazon and Editora Record close partnership to include titles in Kindle – Portal PRESS

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Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Most Looked Up Words on Kindle – GalleyCat

Tomorrow is National Dictionary Day and to celebrate, Amazon has created a list of the most looked up words on Kindle books.

According to Amazon, 85 percent of readers look up words while They read. Below is a list of the most commonly looked-up words in the Kindle ecosystem.

The words que Have Been looked up the most on Kindle are as follows: accipitrine, fantods, shufti, apish amore, scarfpin, vulpine, Hifalutin, susurrus, caliginous, bristliness, chilblained, crepuscle, tenebrific, brumous , susurration, crapulent, frangipanni, megrims, gobsmacked, malacologist, susurrant, minacious, repechage, Shall not, ensorcelled, callipygous, bloviate, snogging, spavined, subfusc, discombobulated, susurrous, cojones, priapic, uxoriously, uxorious, concupiscent, aurochs , chuffed, precipitance, emulously, winceyette, cachinnate, hamartia, preternaturally, bacchanalia, defenestrate, copacetic, kerfuffle, fugly, tenebrous, avuncular, vermiculated, pickelhaube, tsuris, plagiaristic, addlepated, pusillanimously, ursine, gallimaufry, japery, starkers, towheaded , insouciant, epicanthic, druthers, plangent, gelid, underbred, pullulation, rictus, oleaginous, treacly, oubliette, louche, Fuggy.


Saturday, October 17, 2015

New Poster, Kindle Release Information for Ken Hanley’s “THE EVIL IN I” – FANGORIA

Books / Art / Culture, Home, News Fangoria Staff  I-in-Evil-chapters

With the spirit of Halloween in the air, there’s few gifts the fitting for horror’s favorite holiday than the self-help book for monsters from FANGORIA’s own Ken Hanley, I Entitled THE EVIL IN. Featuring frightening illustrations from Marvel / DC Comics alumni Adam Wallenta (Which you can see HERE HERE HERE and HERE ), THE I IN EVIL Has Been building brutal buzz in its satirical insanity from the various tie-in screenings and poster Reveals (including from the likes of Kevin Spencer and Todd Spence ). Now, FANGORIA has the update latest on Hanley’s terrifying take, including another brand new poster!

For those unfamiliar, here’s the official synopsis for THE I IN EVIL …

FANGORIA Magazine’s Ken Hanley has devoted his life of uplifting the spirits and changing the lives of monsters across this great nation of ours. Vampires, Mummies, wolfmen, Gill-Men and Monsters (Frankenstein’s or Otherwise) will finally be able to step out of the shadows after reading THE I IN EVIL and be the social, conscientious citizens without the psycho-and-sociological issues que plague mankind every day.

THE EVIL IN I is not meant for humans. This book contains dark, terrifying truths and the author relinquishes any and all responsibility for any actions taken against monsters or Themselves as a result of this book.


The latest poster, Which premiered Earlier this week on , comes from the kick-ass Joe Oliver from Denver-based art collective Laser Party , Whose eerie art was the belle of the ball at Mile High Horror Film Festival a mere two weeks ago. It’s the third of four posters que will be released throughout the world of horror leading up to the horror comedy book’s release date next week.

Also, tickets are still available for the Alamo Drafthouse Yonkers screening of Tod Browning’s DRACULA on Saturday, October 24th, presented by THE EVIL I IN. The screening will be at 7:00 pm and will be Preceded by an introduction from Hanley specified on the behavioral etiquette of vampires. Get your tickets to this one-night-only event while you still can HERE .

And if you need any more Reasons to pick up Hanley’s “self-help book for monsters,” check out what legendary nightmaremakers have to say about THE I IN EVIL below!

“Ken Hanley’s THE I IN EVIL is a unique thoroughly, highly entertaining and witty offering for all the needy monsters out there, lurking in the shadowed corners of the world and Within the darker regions of the soul “
-. Vincenzo Natali, director of CUBE, SPLICE and NBC’s HANNIBAL

“Hilarious, Very Entertaining and Unforgettable … Not just the perfect resource for monsters but I personally have grown as a human !, thanks to this brilliant take “
– Lloyd Kaufman, president of Troma Entertainment and creator of THE TOXIC AVENGER

“Funniest dedication I’ve read in years. The book just gets better from there on. Insane; a great combination of monsters, terror, and laughs “
-. Tom Holland, director of FRIGHT NIGHT and CHILD’S PLAY

“Bat-shit Crazy!”
– Larry Fessenden, director of THE LAST WINTER, writer of UNTIL DAWN

THE I IN EVIL hits shelves from Skyhorse Publishing on October 20th but you can get the book in hardcover now on HERE . THE EVIL IN I is coming to Kindle Also right on October 27th, and you can pre-order it on Amazon HERE . Stay tuned for more updates on THE I IN EVIL here at!
