Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Amazon Deal of the Day: Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 “Tablet for $ 259 (35% Off) – Android Authority (blog)


If you are currently looking for a new tablet, be sure to check out Amazon’s latest Deal of the Day. Today only you can save $ 140 on the 32GB WiFi version of the Kindle Fire HDX 8.9.

The tablet is priced at $ 259 for this limited time, reduced from the regular retail price of $ 399, making this the lowest price que Amazon has ever sold at this particular tablet. Alternatively, for an extra $ 30 you can purchase the 64GB WiFi variant.

For your money, the Kindle Fire HDX comes packing an 8.9-inch 2560 × 1600 display with 339 PPI, the quad-core 2.2GHz 800 Snapdragon CPU, Adreno 330 GPU, 2GB of RAM, an 8MP rear-facing camera, and a front camera capable of video calls 720, as well as access to Amazon’s App Store. Everything you will need for a great tablet experience.

The offer is valid until the end of the day, providing the que que limited stock lasts long. With que, I’ll leave you to your purchase.

Get this deal at Amazon


How to set-up Kindle Family Library – CNET

At long last, Amazon will allow adult family members to share Their books, apps and more. . Here’s how to make it happen


It’s a little crazy que Amazon’s Kindle e-readers Have Been part of our culture for seven whole years (almost to the day), yet Amazon has never allowed family members to share Their e-books. As a result, it required Considerable hoop-jumping just to let, say, your spouse read the same book you’d Already Purchased.

Thankfully, with the introduction of the new Kindle software update last week, que all changes – at least for newer models. Here’s how to set-up Amazon’s Family Library feature to share not only e-books, but Also audiobooks, apps and games:

Step 1: Check Amazon’s Family Library compatibility page to see if your device is new enough. Some models can manage Family Library settings, while others Merely can access shared content. To make this feature work, you’ll need at least one Kindle que supports the former.

kindle-fire-system-updates-screen. jpg

Screenshot by Rick Broida / CNET

Step 2: Make sure your Kindles have the latest software updates. (If they’re Set to automatically sync, Which They shouldnt be, the update was probably already downloaded and installed by now I checked three Kindle Fire tablets of varying ages. – including the second-gen Fire – and all had Been updated as of Nov. 17.) To find out, locate your device on Amazon’s Kindle software updates page, Then check your device settings to see if the version numbers match up. If you still need to update, the so.

 lazy kindle-profiles-and-family-library-screen.jpg

Screenshot by Rick Broida / CNET

Step 3: On your newer Kindle, the one you ‘re going to use to manage Family Library settings, swipe down from the top of the screen, tap Settings and tap Then Profiles & amp; Family Library.


Screenshot by Rick Broida / CNET

Step 4: Adult Tap Add, Then hand your Kindle to your spouse, partner or other family member – whoever’s going to share your account and you theirs. (You do not have to hand over Actually the Kindle, you can fill in Their account info if you prefer.) Input the Appropriate e-mail address and password of the other account, Then tap Continue

Step 5:.. Follow the remaining steps to approve your account sharing, payment authorization and so on Along the way you can choose Whether to share all content (apps, audiobooks and books), or just books.


Screenshot by Rick Broida / CNET

Step 6: Once you’re done, head to the Books section on your Kindle, Then access the Sort option. You shouldnt see a new entry: your family member’s books. Also you shouldnt receive a confirmation email verifying the newly joined “Household.”

And that’s it! You’re sharing your Kindle content. Now Could we just get some decent e-book organization tools, Amazon?


Monday, November 17, 2014

Amazon adds Word Wise and Family Library to the Kindle family in latest software … – Expert Reviews

Amazon has Revealed its latest firmware update for the Kindle eReader family, adding a range of new features to multiple Kindle devices designed to speed up search, make it Easier to Access Already Purchased books by a family member and Understand more complex writing.

Beyond the addition of the Family Library , Which lets you access books from the Amazon account of a spouse or family member expanded X-Ray for Books Which Gains timeline view to browse The most notable passages in a particular book, and an Search improved Which includes preview results from your Library and the Kindle Store on the same page, the update adds Also Word Wise.

Word Wise is designed for anyone learning to read, or learning Inglês as a second language, with short and simple word definitions appearing above automatically Difficult words – helping you keep reading without having to go away and find a dictionary. Tapping the pop-up will display the word card with definitions, synonyms and extra details. You can manually adjust the number of the definitions see you Improves your vocabulary.

“We can not wait to hear what customers think about These New software features,” Peter Larsen , Amazon’s VP of Devices, Said of the update. “Word Wise makes it Easier for kids learning to read and learning Inglês readers to Understand more challenging books more quickly.”

The over-the-air update shouldnt be arriving on all Kindle devices automatically over the net few weeks, the long As They are connected to the internet. That includes the recently Launched £ 59 entry-level Kindle and the Kindle flagship Voyage, as well as The most recent edition of the ever-popular Kindle Paperwhite.

If you’re desperate to get the new features on your Kindle today, you can head to Amazon’s Kindle website and download the update manually.


Amazon launches new Kindle in Brazil for R $ 299 – Adrenaline

The Amazon announced the arrival of the new Kindle to Brazil for R $ 299, the same amount charged by the previous model. The main new e-reader, in relation to the past model, the new processor – that promises 20% more performance. – Double the storage capacity and commands through the touch sensitive screen

The Kindle able to connect to the internet through a WiFi connection where you can download books and use some services from Amazon as cloud storage of your reading so that you can resume from where it left off on another device, a system of search that integrates dictionary and platforms like Wikipedia and also the connection with Facebook and Twitter to share recommendations of books or excerpts for friends


  • Screen 6 “with Pearl e-paper technology, 167 ppi, 16-point grayscale

  • 4GB of internal storage

  • Battery estimated a month, with a half hour of reading would

  • USB 2.0 connection and Wi-Fi b / g / n

  • 191 grams

  • Size: 169 x 119 x 10.2 mm

  • National One year warranty

Currently the collection Amazon has millions of books, more than 40 000 titles in Portuguese. 600 000 unique books are Kindle Store, and of these 9,500 Esto in our language. The new Kindle est Available for purchase on Amazon or through authorized dealers.


iFixit disassembles e-book reader Amazon Kindle Voyage – PCGuia


The new e-book reader Kindle from Amazon Voyage, officially unveiled last September, was disassembled by iFixit site responsible for assessing the possibilities to be repaired.

The Voyage Kindle has a screen size of 6 inches with 300ppi (pixels per inch) and Charter E Ink technology, 4GB of storage, a ambient light sensor, and Wi-Fi 802.11b / g / n.

Officials from iFixit attributed to Amazon’s Kindle Voyage one score of 7 for 10 in the index of ‘repairability’.

Via Gizmodo.


Amazon launches in Brazil the newest version of the Kindle – the Net Workshop

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Amazon launches Kindle with touch screen for US $ 299 – EXAME.com

 São Paulo – The Amazon launched on Thursday (13/11) a new version of the digital book Kindle player in the Brazilian market. The product, which has a six-inch touch screen to turn pages, will be sold in the country for 299 reais in retail stores and in the manufacturer’s online store.


 According to Amazon, the new Kindle is 20% more powerful than its predecessor and has twice the capacity of STORAGE, from 2 GB to 4 GB. This memory is enough to store “thousands of books,” says the company.


 Launched in the US in October this year, the new model Kindle has access to the collection of 40 000 books in Portuguese Amazon. According to the American company, for 20 thousand books e-books costing up to 10 dollars, and 2,500 works that are offered for free.


 The handset weighs 191 g, has Wi-Fi and battery life of up to one month – if the daily use is 30 minutes and with the wireless turned off. The digital player also has a feature called Whispersync, which allows users to access markings and annotations across multiple devices retormar for reading, for example, on a computer or application software for mobile phones and tablets. In brief, according to Amazon, the new Kindle will have an advanced search tool and a resource that offers tips vocabulary.


 There is also a more refined version of the Kindle for sale in Brazil, the Paperwhite edition, which costs 479 dollars. This product has one main differential backlight technology which allows reading in dark environments.


Topics: Amazon , Business , Business , American companies , Internet companies , Shopping online , Kindle , Technology


Saturday, November 15, 2014

New Kindle is released in Brazil by Amazon – Kioskea

Amazon launched on Thursday, 13, the new Kindle, which arrives in Brazil with some innovative features. The e-reader has gained faster than the previous models 20% CPU, besides counting now with a touchscreen.

Another interesting detail is that the device has a vocabulary builder and also won an increase in its storage capacity of 2 GB to 4 GB.

Features such as Whispersync, for example, which is a technology that makes it possible to synchronize your library of Kindle devices, were developed in order to win customers, according to the American giant. In addition, free reading apps for smartphones and tablets also come to please users.

The Kindle Store Brazil has more than 40 000 eBooks registered in Portuguese, with free 2500 and 20 000 sale, for R $ 10. The new Kindle e-readers allow instant access to the store, it also offers the latest bestsellers.

The company guaranteed that in the next free update of the operating system you want to add other functions. One is the “Tips Vocabulary,” which is one of the tools that facilitate learning and understanding of English words and expressions.

Remember that the device can be carried in the pocket, as it is light and small. The Kindle can be purchased at online stores for US $ 299.


Amazon launches new Kindle – Administrators


New Kindle has a touch screen

Amazon today (13) launches the new Kindle, sold on Amazon.com .br Brazil and other resellers at a suggested price of US $ 299 – same price as the previous model – but now 20% faster processor, twice the storage capacity and touch screen. The same model in the US is site for $ 79.


“Our new Kindle is small and light with battery that lasts weeks, 20% faster processor, twice the storage capacity and now with a touchscreen,” says Peter Larsen, vice president, Amazon Kindle .


The new model has already known for Kindle users, as Whispersync, technology functions making it possible to sync your library of Kindle devices you own and also with free Kindle reading apps for smartphones and tablets; books in 60 seconds weeks of battery life – and new features such as Tips and Vocabulary Builder Vocabulary.