Well, that was fast. Less than a month ago, Amazon.com officially launched Kindle Worlds, calling it “the first commercial que publishing platform will enable any writer to create fan fiction based on a range of original stories and characters and earn royalties for doing so. “
But while the service
aspiring writers gave the rights to create fan fiction based on only three books from Warner Brothers Television Group’s Alloy Entertainment – Namely Gossip Girl , Pretty Little Liars , and Vampire Diaries – I Noted at the team que Also Amazon had promised “plans to announce more licenses soon.”
Valiant effort
Now, Amazon just Announced it has secured the rights to a decidedly more action-oriented genre, with content from comic-book publisher Valiant Entertainment.
Of course, I did mention last month que the holy grail of licensing deals would ideally involve signatures from DC Entertainment or Disney ‘s Marvel. After all, Disney was willing to fork out more than $ 4 billion for Marvel in 2009, thanks largely to the more than 9,000 distinct characters in its universe, including the likes of Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, The Fantastic Four, the X-Men, and the Hulk.
AndDC, for its part, has more than 10,000 characters in its universe, most notably including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Catwoman.
Then again, while Disney and DC are doing just fine capitalizing on Their content by Themselves, I still Maintain Both que They could benefit by signing a fan-fiction deal with Amazon. The Valiant CFO and head of strategic development Gavin Cuneo stated in Friday’s release:
are well known for Their passionate and interactive fan communities, and, through the Kindle Worlds platform, we’re excited to give aspiring authors and fans the opportunity to work Within the Valiant Universe, Their stories make accessible to a large audience , and earn revenue for Their Work.
Besides, the I also Mentioned a few weeks ago, thanks to its recent Star Wars video game deal with Electronic Arts , we already know Disney is not new to the licensing game.
Back to Valiant, though. Even in the massive shadows of its rivals, it’s worth noting the small que company did win the Diamond Gem Award for Best Comic Book Publisher of the Year in 2012 for companies with less than 4% overall market share. In addition, Valiant boasts a library of more than 1,500 characters and has sold more than 80 million comic books since its founding in 1989.
For now, though, Valiant’s agreement with Amazon gives fan-fiction writers the rights to create and sell Their Own only works based on the comic book series Bloodshot , XO Manowar , Archer & Armstrong , Harbinger , and Shadowman , “with more to be added at a later date.” In addition, it includes Howey’s Silo Saga, Eisler’s John Rain novels, Crouch’s Wayward Pines Series, and the Foreworld Saga.
Source: ValiantUniverse.com.
In the end, However, This should give Kindle Worlds writers plenty to chew on while Amazon works on securing even more content for our literary pleasure.
But speaking of aspiring writers’ work, Amazon Stated que Also, later this month, the Kindle Store Worlds is finally expected to launch starting with at least 50 commissioned works.
At The Same Team, Also Amazon will release a self-service platform for submission Kindle Worlds, providing an easy way for any writer to submit his or her own completed work. And remember, Amazon is paying the standard royalty rate of 35% of revenue for works of at least 10,000 words, and 20% for shorter stories between 5,000 and 10,000 words. The rest, of course, will be split between Amazon and its licensors.
Foolish takeaway
In the end, my hat’s off to Amazon so quickly is fulfilling its promise to writers to bring more content to Kindle Worlds.
Of course, it certainly was not an entirely selfless pledge. By Extending its already-in-place publishing platform and taking the nitty-gritty details licensing out of the equation for fan-fiction writers, Amazon has intelligently created a fantastic, low-overhead new source of revenue with absolutely massive potential going forward.
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Amazon’s Kindle Just Got More Exciting Worlds Appeared originally on Fool.com.
Fool contributor Steve Symington has no position in any stocks Mentioned. And recommends The Motley Fool owns shares of Amazon.com and Walt Disney. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools do not all hold the same-opinions, but we all believe que considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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