Thursday, February 6, 2014

Amazon Kindle resumes direct selling in Brazil -


Claudia Tozetto


Amazon resumes direct selling Kindle in Brazil on Friday, through the company website. Over the past six months, the electronic book reader was supplied only by retail stores. The three versions of the device – which include the basic Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite two generations – will be sold at the same prices already practiced in Brazil, from 299 reais, with free shipping


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In the first half of 2013, shortly after debuting in Brazil, the Amazon spread 15 kiosks for malls in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Six months later, however, Amazon withdrew themselves and left the selling points of your reader in charge retailers. “Nobody knew the Amazon that time, so the kiosks were part of a marketing action,” says Alex Szapiro, director of Amazon in Brazil, in an exclusive interview to the SEE site.

buy a Kindle at Amazon’s site, the consumer will receive the pre-configured with the account registered user product. This means that when you turn the Kindle for the first time, the unit will start the download of all digital books he bought earlier to read through another Kindle or apps for smartphones and tablets.

“Just launched a new product when we’re really ready. Now is the time to start selling through the site because we have customer service, all the necessary logistics, “says Szapiro. The executive explained that retail sales continue and gain enhanced promotional spaces for consumers to experience the product.

Electronic reader – The latest version of the device, the Kindle Paperwhite second generation, gained screen with higher contrast and responds quickly to the touch, as well as 25% faster processor. In addition to improvements in hardware, the new version of the product has many new software features, such as the Vocabulary Builder, which maintains a history of the searched words in the dictionary. The

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