Sunday, January 29, 2017

‘Brazilian literature is not yet in digital,’ says the Award winning Kindle – Portal Uai (press release) (Subscription) (Blog)

The traditional and the modern can be antag�nicos v�rivers contexts, but, through�s of the creativity of the mining Gisele Mirabai, the two mingled and gave birth to a prize-winning work. Gisele won the Pr�mio Kindle of Literature, organized by the Amazon in partnership with the Nova Fronteira publishing house. The t�title awarded in digital format was Field, a hist�ria about mem�rias and places. The odd term has african origin. "In the language of the bantu, farm means farm, s�uncle or ch�guy," explains the author, who has lived in S�the Paul h� tr�s years. Although the meaning designate a place, Field �, in fact, the main character, who receives the nickname of a friend still in the inf�shall, on the farm where he grew up.

The narrative goes on years after the fact, when the girl, j� adult, lives in London and, during travel through places hist�rich of the continent of europe, he ends up reconnecting with her past in the interior of the Mine and building the reflex�es about the meaning of pr�own life. "She goes by the Gr�cia, Turkey, Israel and Egypt and, to see the uk�in these locations, will see his past and discovers what has happened in your life to split it in two, as if it were a missing link", defines Gisele.

The regress�es offered by the tour take the character back � inf�of on the Farm Enfiandeiras, pr�town-the Itabirito, in the Region�the Central Mine. By l�, the girl alternated moments of leisure between the reading on civilizes��es old beside his father, and the banter fanciful with the son of the caretaker, the boy who had given her the nickname.

in Spite of everything sound like a hist�the ria and near-real-biogr�is, She ensures that she and the protagonist n�the s�the same person, even if there is a strong rela��es between the two. "I j� I lived in London, the places that I describe s�the places where I have stayed, the journey that she makes, I also�m I, and the farm of his inf�of exists and belongs to an aunt of mine, � a place where I spent my inf�of, but the character, his personality and the events s�the fully fict�cios," he says.

"The book works much in the simb�lico, n�the � a narrative cl�classic, the hist�ria takes a moment and opens it to the m�maximum possible�manual transmission, n�the following order cronol�gica. The past going to the front of the gift will going to meet him." The description��the writer about your pr�prio text illustrates also�m the process by which the work went on to win the contest.

Field was chosen as the best among 2 thousand books posted on the digital platform Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) from Amazon. Gra�the � partnership with the New Frontier, it must be published in vers�the printed brief. The opposite way to that normally � practiced, with the t�titles originally lan�ados in a paper and going digital then.

Gisele, who eats�or writing Field in 2009, if you feel happy with the recognition. "Still est� dropping the sheet, I really wanted him to be a reading of quality and a good publish��, I have enjoyed very � language, I tried to do something original. � a sensa��the very good recognition of the work", she declares.

Al�m of the rewards��the Amazon, accompanied by the publica��the printed and of a sum of money, the author can closely monitor the recognition of the readers, gra�to the digital format in which the book was lan�ado. "It has been a �the last surprise, � very good to have the contact with the evaluates��es who l� and j� put what he found, al�m be possible�manual transmission to see how many p�pages people est�the reading of your book and on which days. In printed, n�the we have idea of that," says Gisele.

The modern format of publishes��the and reading, al�m have been on the path to this recognition in his career as a writer, also�m awakened in belo-horizontina the interest in extending the collection of the national literature in the format: "Studying the platform of Amazon, I saw that the brazilian literature is still n�the est� l� in digital format. This uni�the Amazon with the New Frontier, which � specialist publish cl�ssicos, can be �timo for our reading."

award-Winning in digital and with the proposal of lan�air your book on paper, she n�makes you choose for one of them and thicken the chorus of those who understand that the two formats s�the fully possible�levels together, and that who wins � the reader. "A n�excludes the other, � a sum, the digital book � for you� take for the trip, to read on the metro�, in �coaches, or to make a query r�pida to a theme, while the f�sico � to be l�, make use of the other senses, the paper will always continue," argues the writer, and writer for 36 years, that j� had published other tr�s books before Field: the infantojuvenis Warrior of Gaia and Born to be Madonna, al�m free Man: around the world on a bicycle, in that it describes the journey institute for development support�information of the husband for 59 pa�ses.

. Gisele Mirabai
. Amazon/New Frontier
. 153 p�ginas
. R$ 8,90 (e-book)


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