Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Amazon.with.br gives a discount of$100 on any Kindle until 6/2 – PC World


31 January 2017 at 17h27

To celebrate his 4 years in Brazil, the store will also cut the price of the subscription program Kindle Unlimited and thousands of digital books and printed.

The Amazon.with.br chose to hold a special week of discounts to celebrate their 4 years in Brazil. The promotion is valid until the 6th of February.

from The 19h of this Monday, 30/1, the online store of Amazon in the country offers special prices for its e-readers Kindle, printed books, digital and subscription program Kindle Unlimited.


The three models of Kindle sold by Amazon.with.br in the country are at a discount of 100 reais each in the next few days. In this way, the Kindle basic comes out of 299 real for 199 reais, the Paperwhite Wi-Fi for 479 reais 379 real and the Voyage of 899 reais for 799 reals.

Kindle Unlimited

The program Kindle Unlimited, which allows users to read at ease among more than 1.4 million digital books for a fixed monthly, also got in on the special promotion of Amazon. Who turn customer service up to the day 6/2 you can save a good money.

This is because the plan half-yearly is with 20% discount, coming out for 95,52 reais in total, while the annual plan is with 30% discount, coming out for 167,16 real this week.


in addition, Amazon will give you up to 80% discount on more than 30 thousand books printed, and will offer more than 10 thousand e-books with a special price of 9,90 reais.

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Promotion: Amazon.with.br gives discount of R$100 in any … – IDG Now!

To celebrate his 4 years in Brazil, the store will also cut the price of the subscription program Kindle Unlimited and thousands of digital books and printed.

The Amazon.with.br chose to hold a special week of discounts to celebrate their 4 years in Brazil. The promotion is valid until the 6th of February.

from The 19h of this Monday, 30/1, the online store of Amazon in the country offers special prices for its e-readers Kindle, printed books, digital and subscription program Kindle Unlimited.


The three models of Kindle sold by Amazon.with.br in the country are at a discount of 100 reais each in the next few days. In this way, the Kindle basic comes out of 299 real for 199 reais, the Paperwhite Wi-Fi for 479 reais 379 real and the Voyage of 899 reais for 799 reals.

Kindle Unlimited

The program Kindle Unlimited, which allows users to read at ease among more than 1.4 million digital books for a fixed monthly, also got in on the special promotion of Amazon. Who turn customer service up to the day 6/2 you can save a good money.

This is because the plan half-yearly is with 20% discount, coming out for 95,52 reais in total, while the annual plan is with 30% discount, coming out for 167,16 real this week.


in addition, Amazon will give you up to 80% discount on more than 30 thousand books printed, and will offer more than 10 thousand e-books with a special price of 9,90 reais.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Promotion: Amazon.with.br gives a discount of$100 on any Kindle – IDG Now!

To celebrate his 4 years in Brazil, the store will also cut the price of the subscription program Kindle Unlimited and thousands of digital books and printed.

The Amazon.with.br chose to hold a special week of discounts to celebrate their 4 years in Brazil. The promotion is valid until the 6th of February.

from The 19h of this Monday, 30/1, the online store of Amazon in the country offers special prices for its e-readers Kindle, printed books, digital and subscription program Kindle Unlimited.


The three models of Kindle sold by Amazon.with.br in the country are at a discount of 100 reais each in the next few days. In this way, the Kindle basic comes out of 299 real for 199 reais, the Paperwhite Wi-Fi for 479 reais 379 real and the Voyage of 899 reais for 799 reals.

Kindle Unlimited

The program Kindle Unlimited, which allows users to read at ease among more than 1.4 million digital books for a fixed monthly, also got in on the special promotion of Amazon. Who turn customer service up to the day 6/2 you can save a good money.

This is because the plan half-yearly is with 20% discount, coming out for 95,52 reais in total, while the annual plan is with 30% discount, coming out for 167,16 real this week.


in addition, Amazon will give you up to 80% discount on more than 30 thousand books printed, and will offer more than 10 thousand e-books with a special price of 9,90 reais.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

‘Brazilian literature is not yet in digital,’ says the Award winning Kindle – Portal Uai (press release) (Subscription) (Blog)

The traditional and the modern can be antag�nicos v�rivers contexts, but, through�s of the creativity of the mining Gisele Mirabai, the two mingled and gave birth to a prize-winning work. Gisele won the Pr�mio Kindle of Literature, organized by the Amazon in partnership with the Nova Fronteira publishing house. The t�title awarded in digital format was Field, a hist�ria about mem�rias and places. The odd term has african origin. "In the language of the bantu, farm means farm, s�uncle or ch�guy," explains the author, who has lived in S�the Paul h� tr�s years. Although the meaning designate a place, Field �, in fact, the main character, who receives the nickname of a friend still in the inf�shall, on the farm where he grew up.

The narrative goes on years after the fact, when the girl, j� adult, lives in London and, during travel through places hist�rich of the continent of europe, he ends up reconnecting with her past in the interior of the Mine and building the reflex�es about the meaning of pr�own life. "She goes by the Gr�cia, Turkey, Israel and Egypt and, to see the uk�in these locations, will see his past and discovers what has happened in your life to split it in two, as if it were a missing link", defines Gisele.

The regress�es offered by the tour take the character back � inf�of on the Farm Enfiandeiras, pr�town-the Itabirito, in the Region�the Central Mine. By l�, the girl alternated moments of leisure between the reading on civilizes��es old beside his father, and the banter fanciful with the son of the caretaker, the boy who had given her the nickname.

in Spite of everything sound like a hist�the ria and near-real-biogr�is, She ensures that she and the protagonist n�the s�the same person, even if there is a strong rela��es between the two. "I j� I lived in London, the places that I describe s�the places where I have stayed, the journey that she makes, I also�m I, and the farm of his inf�of exists and belongs to an aunt of mine, � a place where I spent my inf�of, but the character, his personality and the events s�the fully fict�cios," he says.

"The book works much in the simb�lico, n�the � a narrative cl�classic, the hist�ria takes a moment and opens it to the m�maximum possible�manual transmission, n�the following order cronol�gica. The past going to the front of the gift will going to meet him." The description��the writer about your pr�prio text illustrates also�m the process by which the work went on to win the contest.

Field was chosen as the best among 2 thousand books posted on the digital platform Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) from Amazon. Gra�the � partnership with the New Frontier, it must be published in vers�the printed brief. The opposite way to that normally � practiced, with the t�titles originally lan�ados in a paper and going digital then.

Gisele, who eats�or writing Field in 2009, if you feel happy with the recognition. "Still est� dropping the sheet, I really wanted him to be a reading of quality and a good publish��, I have enjoyed very � language, I tried to do something original. � a sensa��the very good recognition of the work", she declares.

Al�m of the rewards��the Amazon, accompanied by the publica��the printed and of a sum of money, the author can closely monitor the recognition of the readers, gra�to the digital format in which the book was lan�ado. "It has been a �the last surprise, � very good to have the contact with the evaluates��es who l� and j� put what he found, al�m be possible�manual transmission to see how many p�pages people est�the reading of your book and on which days. In printed, n�the we have idea of that," says Gisele.

The modern format of publishes��the and reading, al�m have been on the path to this recognition in his career as a writer, also�m awakened in belo-horizontina the interest in extending the collection of the national literature in the format: "Studying the platform of Amazon, I saw that the brazilian literature is still n�the est� l� in digital format. This uni�the Amazon with the New Frontier, which � specialist publish cl�ssicos, can be �timo for our reading."

award-Winning in digital and with the proposal of lan�air your book on paper, she n�makes you choose for one of them and thicken the chorus of those who understand that the two formats s�the fully possible�levels together, and that who wins � the reader. "A n�excludes the other, � a sum, the digital book � for you� take for the trip, to read on the metro�, in �coaches, or to make a query r�pida to a theme, while the f�sico � to be l�, make use of the other senses, the paper will always continue," argues the writer, and writer for 36 years, that j� had published other tr�s books before Field: the infantojuvenis Warrior of Gaia and Born to be Madonna, al�m free Man: around the world on a bicycle, in that it describes the journey institute for development support�information of the husband for 59 pa�ses.

. Gisele Mirabai
. Amazon/New Frontier
. 153 p�ginas
. R$ 8,90 (e-book)


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Amazon announces a literary prize of 20 thousand pounds – the Observer

The Amazon UK will be launching a literary prize in the amount of 20 thousand pounds (more than 23 thousand euros) for the writer to publish a book online (ebook) on the platform Kindle Direct Publishing, which allows authors and independent publishers to place a book for sale for its own account. The premium Kindle Storyteller is open to authors with more than 18 years, write in English and in any kind of literature, fiction or non-fiction. The ebook must have a minimum of 5,000 words and not have been published before.

The interests of the readers will be taken into consideration when it is compiled the list of ebooks, as well as the opinion of a panel of judges. In addition to the monetary prize, the distinction will also include a marketing campaign, and the ability of the ebook to be translated into other languages. The winner will be announced at a ceremony in July in London.

The director of content associated with the Kindle, Alessio Santarelli, revealed in a statement on the website of Amazon UK that "good books deserve to be celebrated and this is what we want to do in the competition the Kindle Storyteller. We hope to encourage aspiring writers and authors who, even having already been published, write again to the stories they are available to all readers around the world. Publishing a book has never been easy and this award will help the author whose story appeals more to the readers and to specialists in literary."

A quarter of the authors in the top 100 of the Kindle store UK have been published through this platform Kindle Direct Publishing. Rachel Abbott, author of Kill me Again , a bestseller in the Kindle, confessed that he has "great expectations in the titles that will be presented in this first competition of the award, whether an author already known, or an aspiring writer who is encouraged by the prize to publish his first book. The Kindle has helped me to achieve my dream of having a career as a writer and I believe that many people have one great book in them, waiting to be written".

the deadline for The submission of ebooks begins February 20th and ends on the 19 of may of this year.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Amazon launches £20,000 literary prize for Kindle authors | Culture … – The Guardian

The £20,000 literary prize is being launched by Amazon for new work by authors releasing their work online Kindle”s self-publishing platform.

The Kindle Storyteller award is open to authors writing in English across any genre, fiction or non-fiction, is books launched on amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing between 20 February and 19 May 2017.

Reader interest will be taken into consideration when compiling the shortlist as well as the opinions of the judging panel, and the winner will be announced at a ceremony in London in July. The prize will also include the marketing campaign and the possibility of translation for international sales.

Rachel Abbott

Alessio Santarelli, Amazon’s I Kindle content director, said the prize was intended to celebrate great books. "We hope to encourage aspiring authors and those who have already been published, to get writing and make their new stories available to readers across the world," he said.

Up to a quarter of the top 100 titles in the UK Kindle store already come from the Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Rachel Abbott, bestselling Kindle author who has just released her sixth thriller on the platform, said she expected the calibre of entries to be high, "whether it’s from an established author or an aspiring writer who is encouraged by this prize to publish their first book".

Titles submitted for the prize must be previously unpublished, and a minimum of 5,000 words in length with no upper word limit.


Amazon launches £20000 literary prize for Kindle authors – The Guardian

The £20,000 literary prize is being launched by Amazon for new work by authors releasing their work online Kindle”s self-publishing platform.

The Kindle Storyteller award is open to authors writing in English across any genre, fiction or non-fiction, is books launched on amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing between 20 February and 19 May 2017.

Reader interest will be taken into consideration when compiling the shortlist as well as the opinions of the judging panel, and the winner will be announced at a ceremony in London in July. The prize will also include the marketing campaign and the possibility of translation for international sales.

Rachel Abbott

Alessio Santarelli, Amazon’s I Kindle content director, said the prize was intended to celebrate great books. "We hope to encourage aspiring authors and those who have already been published, to get writing and make their new stories available to readers across the world," he said.

Up to a quarter of the top 100 titles in the UK Kindle store already come from the Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Rachel Abbott, bestselling Kindle author who has just released her sixth thriller on the platform, said she expected the calibre of entries to be high, "whether it’s from an established author or an aspiring writer who is encouraged by this prize to publish their first book".

Titles submitted for the prize must be previously unpublished, and a minimum of 5,000 words in length with no upper word limit.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Obama filled the Kindle with books for his daughter, and that says everything – Dallas News

The first time I met Barack Obama was in early 2006, when he was still a U. S. senator.

He had come to Cincinnati to help out my husband, Sherrod Brown, in Sherrod”s campaign to join him in the Senate. I sat next to Obama during breakfast, before he took the stage. Almost immediately, our conversation turned to the isolation and accuracy necessary for the writer’s life.

He was in the final edits for his second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” which would become the best-selling book later that year and set the stage for his presidential race. What I remember most during our conversation was the look on his face, as well as the language he used, as he described his writing habits. The writer can usually tell when someone lay claim to the profession is faking it. Barack Obama was the real deal.

He talked about the quiet, anonymous space of air travel, when he could write without interruption. We commiserated about the challenge of finding that perfect word — and many times, there is that one perfect word — which too often eludes us writers until 3 in the morning, when we sit up like a sprung jackknife and claw in the dark for paper and a pen.

He asked about my writing habits and leaned in with the face of the person listening hard. I have little recollection of what I told him, beyond my sharing that I read everything out loud before hitting “send.” But I vividly recall sitting there listening to him and thinking, This is a man who loves the written word.

The New York Times’ chief book critic, Michiko Kakutani, recently interviewed Obama about how reading and writing fundamentally shaped him as a man and as a president.

An excerpt:

During his eight years in the White House — in the noisy era of information overload, extreme partisanship and knee-jerk reactions — books were the sustaining source of ideas and inspiration, and gave him a renewed appreciation for the complexities and ambiguities of the human condition.

“At a time when events move so quickly and so much information is transmitted,” he said, reading gave him the ability to occasionally slow down and get perspective” and “the ability to get in somebody else’s shoes.” These two things, he added, “have been invaluable to me. Whether they’ve made me a better president I can’t say. But what I can say is that they have allowed me to sort of maintain my balance during the course of eight years, because this is the place that comes at you hard and fast and doesn’t let up.”

Obama offered titles of books that have moved or influenced him in some way and told Kakutani that he recently gave his elder daughter, Malia, the Kindle filled with books he wanted to share with her. Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude is one. The Golden Notebook, by Doris Lessing, is another. Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior, too.

I was fine, just fine, until I read about that Kindle.

For weeks now, I’ve been taking in the final round of coverage of this president and his family with the measured response. After every story, every video clip, I take a deep breath and move on.
This is part of what it means to live in America, I’ve reminded myself countless times since the election. Every presidency arrives with an expiration date. Eight years max and he — so far, always he — is out of there.

I have not always agreed with President Barack Obama, which is also part of what it means to live in America. We elect humans, not saints. There are bound to be disappointments.

Never, however, have I doubted Obama’s commitment to our country. Not once have I looked at him and worried about what the rest of the world must think of us for having elected him. I have trusted him to understand that his every move, his every word, reflects on all of us. If my working-class mother had lived to see President Obama, she would have said he knows how to represent.

Our president gave his teenage daughter a Kindle, and he filled it with books. That small yet enormous detail brings it home. There is no replacing this president, and what comes next is sinking in. The distance between what was and what will be seems so vast.

“Oh, well,” Brave Orchid says in The Woman Warrior. “We’re all under the same sky and walk the same earth; we’re alive together during the same moment.”

Connie Schultz is a syndicated columnist and professional in residence at Kent State University’s school of journalism. E-mail: con.schultz@yahoo.com


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Gisele Mirabai wins 1st Prize Kindle Literature with the book … – Globo.com

The writer Gisele Mirabai, the winner of the first Prize Kindle of Literature with ‘Farm gate’ (Photo: Disclosure)

The writer Gisele Mirabai was announced this Tuesday (18), the winner of the Prize Kindle Literature. Promoted by Amazon and by the New Border, the contest is geared towards independent authors.

By the book “Plot” (read more about it below), the winner takes$ 20 thousand and a contract with the publisher to publish the printed version of the book. She bested the other two finalists – Leon Idris Azevedo, with “My shadow lies there”, and Edson Soares, “The last steps of the hanged man”.

The organization reported that more than 1.7 thousand authors, from 460 cities, signed up more than 2 thousand novels. The competitors had to publish their works in digital format exclusively in the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform self-publishing from Amazon.

By the rules, the novels had to be unpublished, written in Portuguese and published originally free in form digital in KDP (the tool is free) between 1 September and 30 November.

They should be available exclusively for the Kindle (the electronic reader from Amazon) for 90 days from the date of publication.

All registered participants have been made available in the Kindle Store. Were also available, free of charge, to clients of the program Kindle Unlimited. The digital works can be read on e-readers Kindle and on the app for computer, smartphone and tablets with iOS and Android.

The finalists will be able to publish his novels in format audiobook by Audible, Inc., subdisiária of the Amazon. In the format, the works are accessible in more 180 countries.

the Cover of the book ‘the Eld’, Gisele Mirabai, who won the first Prize in the Kindle of Literature (Photo: Disclosure)

In the note, Gisele Murabai celebrated the victory. “The literature has a great mission of taking care of the past and transform the future,” he said.

“I Received many no’s to get here and receive this yes. I thank all who have supported me in my path. ‘Field’ is my first adult novel and it is a great honor to see it be released through the award.”

The synopsis of the book explains that Farming is the name of the protagonist and that she “grew up on a farm in Minas Gerais, in the midst of the horses and the feet orange, reading the Encyclopedias of Ancient Civilizations with the father.”

The text describes: “Now a woman in London who takes life unconsciously and promiscuous. Neither she herself knows what happened with the story itself. Until that begins a journey through the ancient civilizations of the planet, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, and the more walks through the ruins of the world, more travels in the direction of his past and the missing Link, the episode fateful that forever changed the course of his life”.

To announce the creation of the Award Kindle of Literature, in September of last year, Amazon reported that “the books registered will be evaluated based on various criteria, such as creativity, originality and quality of writing”.

At the time, the executive of Amazon.with.br Alex Szapiro said in a note that “each week, on average, about 30 titles, including the 100 eBooks sold on Amazon.with.br are published by the KDP”.

Launched in 2012, the KDP was designed to leave the control of the publication in hand to the author, you can choose from, for example, the cover and the value of the work, in addition to stay with up to 70% of the copyright for the title.

About the Prize Kindle, Shapiro said it is a “excellent reason not to leave the idea of a book, or a manuscript, kept in a drawer or on a computer.”


Gisele Mirabai wins 1st Prize Kindle Literature with the book ‘the Eld’ – Globo.com

the Cover of the book ‘the Eld’, Gisele Mirabai, who won the first Prize in the Kindle of Literature (Photo: Disclosure)

The writer Gisele Mirabai was announced this Tuesday (18), the winner of the Prize Kindle Literature. Promoted by Amazon and by the New Border, the contest is geared towards independent authors. By the book, “Field”, the winner takes$ 20 thousand and a contract with the publisher to publish the printed version of the book.

The competitors for the Prize Kindle Literature were publishing their works in digital format exclusively in the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform self-publishing from Amazon.

By the rules, the novels entered must be unpublished, written in Portuguese and published originally free in form digital in KDP (the tool is free) between 1 September and 30 November. They should be available exclusively for the Kindle (the electronic reader from Amazon) for 90 days from the date of publication.

All registered participants have been made available in the Kindle Store. Were also available, free of charge, to clients of the program Kindle Unlimited. The digital works can be read on e-readers Kindle and on the app for computer, smartphone and tablets with iOS and Android.

On 12 December, were announced the ten works pre-selected. The three finalists were: “The last steps of the hanged man”, by Edson Soares; “My shadow cabel ali”, by Leon Idris Azevedo; and “Farm gate”, that ended up being voted the winner.

The finalists will be able to publish his novels in format audiobook by Audible, Inc., subdisiária of the Amazon. In the format, the works are accessible in more 180 countries.

To announce the creation of the Award Kindle of Literature, in September of last year, Amazon reported that “the books registered will be evaluated based on various criteria, such as creativity, originality and quality of writing”.

At the time, the executive of Amazon.with.br Alex Szapiro said in a note that “each week, on average, about 30 titles, including the 100 eBooks sold on Amazon.with.br are published by the KDP”.

Launched in 2012, the KDP was designed to leave the control of the publication in hand to the author, you can choose from, for example, the cover and the value of the work, in addition to stay with up to 70% of the copyright for the title.

About the Prize Kindle, Shapiro said it is a “excellent reason not to leave the idea of a book, or a manuscript, kept in a drawer or on a computer.”


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Gisele Mirabai wins 1st Prize Kindle Literature with the book ‘the Eld’ – Globo.com

the Cover of the book ‘the Eld’, Gisele Mirabai, who won the first Prize in the Kindle of Literature (Photo: Disclosure)

The writer Gisele Mirabai was announced this Tuesday (18), the winner of the Prize Kindle Literature. Promoted by Amazon and by the New Border, the contest is geared towards independent authors. By the book, “Field”, the winner takes$ 20 thousand and a contract with the publisher to publish the printed version of the book.

The competitors for the Prize Kindle Literature were publishing their works in digital format exclusively in the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform self-publishing from Amazon.

By the rules, the novels entered must be unpublished, written in Portuguese and published originally free in form digital in KDP (the tool is free) between 1 September and 30 November. They should be available exclusively for the Kindle (the electronic reader from Amazon) for 90 days from the date of publication.

All registered participants have been made available in the Kindle Store. Were also available, free of charge, to clients of the program Kindle Unlimited. The digital works can be read on e-readers Kindle and on the app for computer, smartphone and tablets with iOS and Android.

On 12 December, were announced the ten works pre-selected. The three finalists were: “The last steps of the hanged man”, by Edson Soares; “My shadow cabel ali”, by Leon Idris Azevedo; and “Farm gate”, that ended up being voted the winner.

The finalists will be able to publish his novels in format audiobook by Audible, Inc., subdisiária of the Amazon. In the format, the works are accessible in more 180 countries.

To announce the creation of the Award Kindle of Literature, in September of last year, Amazon reported that “the books registered will be evaluated based on various criteria, such as creativity, originality and quality of writing”.

At the time, the executive of Amazon.with.br Alex Szapiro said in a note that “each week, on average, about 30 titles, including the 100 eBooks sold on Amazon.with.br are published by the KDP”.

Launched in 2012, the KDP was designed to leave the control of the publication in hand to the author, you can choose from, for example, the cover and the value of the work, in addition to stay with up to 70% of the copyright for the title.

About the Prize Kindle, Shapiro said it is a “excellent reason not to leave the idea of a book, or a manuscript, kept in a drawer or on a computer.”


Mining takes 1st Prize Kindle – The Time

"I’m Still in the air", quips the writer and screenwriter Gisele Marabai, 36, soon after exiting the plane that took him to receive the Kindle Literature. This is the first edition of the award created by Amazon in a partnership with editora Nova Fronteira. The result, published this Tuesday (17), will give Gisele the opportunity to publish your book in a printed version later this year, in addition to bank up to R$ 20 thousand. To participate in the contest, the work should be unpublished, and published by Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), the tool of self-publishing from Amazon.

the state of Minas gerais Belo Horizonte, she stood out among the more than 2,000 submitted works, with the novel’s fictional "Farm gate", his first in this style. The previous are "Born to be Madonna" and "Warrior of Gaia", facing the public child and juvenile, and "Free Man: Around the World On a Bicycle", a story about the journey of her husband Danilo Perrotti Machado, who pedaled by 59 countries of the planet.

"Field" if it differs from these by being a fictional story is not recommended for children. The book is about a girl who learns to travel and discover ancient civilizations. The part is not fictional of the work is on account of the scenery and ruins that the author actually knew, and the junction which makes it solid the strongest longings of Gisele: write and travel.

"I always liked to travel very much, but this not only it was enough for me. I had to take advantage of all that was seeing in some way and, for me, literature and travel communicate a lot," he explains, citing as an example Guimarães Rosa and Clarice Lispector, the authors of the works are also inspired by travel, whether they are transcendental or cracked during the crossing.

With rich memories of various parts of the world, all it took was to reinvent the places where you’ve been. And of course, work very hard to achieve these aspirations, which does not seem to have been no sacrifice for the author. For writing, I am well disciplined. When I am with a story in your head, agreement, and, even before taking the coffee, I sit down to write. I like that, understand? I like this craft of me sit alone in front of the computer and write. When I’m absorbed in it, it is hard to go back to the real world after that," says belo-horizontina, based in São Paulo.

reverse Path. Often, the great works of world literature, migrate to the digital platform as more of an option of presenting themselves to the world. In the case of Gisele, it was the technology that opened the space to return to the literature in its archaic way: the role.

After you start the first few chapters of "Field" in the workshop of a literary writer from pernambuco, Marcelino Freire, where lapidou the language, second sets, and finish the book, She has not had a good response from publishers. "I had a lot of affection and very careful with it. And once completed, after six months of dedication, I went after the publishers. But in all that I looked or I had no answer, or the book was rejected", she recalls.

Now, with the prize in hand – and the reference as the first author to win the award – the work of Gisele can no longer be ignored.

In the coming months, it will be possible to find "Field" of the classic, in the bookstores, published by the New Border.

"After we devote ourselves to the classics in recent years, the contest was a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the production of our time. It was a dense, breath, which can bring new authors to our catalog." Daniele Cajueiro, editorial director of the New Border


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

New models of the Kindle can be released by Amazon [rumor] – Tecmundo

The device Amazon developed especially for reading, the Kindle, was with a promotion great a few days ago for those who wanted to have one more option to enjoy a good book. The unit is already for a while on the market and has had several generations and different models available to consumers.

However, leaks on the internet indicate that the two new versions of eReader are to be released by Amazon. One of the sources is the German site of the company that listed the variants of the device along with some technical specifications. The other is the page on japanese Amazon that detailed more information about what is being called the Kindle Voyage.

A "basicão" top and a

according To these sources, it is possible to conclude that the company probably go to launch two versions of the device to meet the demand of those who want a device a little longer incremented.

The Kindle Voyage would come with a screen of 300 ppi (a significant increase over the 167 ppi of the current version) and 3G connectivity and WiFi. The fancier model has not had a lot of information revealed. Check out, below, the technical specifications that have been leaked so far.

Technical Specifications

  • screen Size: 6 inches
  • pixel Density: 300 ppi
  • Connectivity: WiFi and 3G
  • Dimensions: 6,2 cm x 11.5 cm
  • Thickness: 0.8 cm
  • Weight: 186 grams

it is Speculated that the price of the versions increase a bit in relation to the models currently available in the market. The variant "basic" Kindle is expected to cost US$ 244 (approximate R$ 570), and the Voyage US$ 322(approximately$ 750).

If the rumors are matched, it is expected that the new Kindles hit the market later this year, with the Voyage that was released after the version "basic". However, everything is speculation, and the best thing is to wait to see if Amazon is going to speak officially about these leaks.


Amazon.with.br announces winner of Kindle Literature of the Amazon – IDG Now!

the Novel “Field” will win printed publication of the Nova Fronteira publishing house. The award will also give to the author Gisele Mirabai R$ 20 thousand.

The writer mining Gisele Mirabai, 36 years old, was the big winner of the Prize Kindle Literature with the book “the Field”. In addition to the prize of R$ 20 thousand, Gisele will have the work published by editora Nova Fronteira, a partner of Amazon.with.br in the Award.

Among the finalists announced on the last Wednesday (11) were also “My Shadow Lies There”, by Leon Idris Azevedo, and “The Last Steps of the Hanged man”, by Edson Soares.

“Field” tells the story of a woman who leads a riotous living in London and resolves to travel through the ancient civilizations of the planet in search of their origins. According to Gisele, the novel is her first adult book. The writer has published works geared to the audience of children and adolescents.

The book, published with the tool of self-publishing Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), is available in the Kindle Store.

The latest edition of the award had the 1,700-brazilian authors enrolled, who submitted more than 2 thousand digital books using KDP.

according to the organisation of the prize, entries were reviewed by judges selected by the New Border and by Amazon.with.br, among whom were the members of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, Carlos Heitor Cony and Geraldo Carneiro.

"Publishing your own work requires a lot of courage and effort. The Award Kindle of Literature was developed to celebrate authors who write amazing stories and publish them independently," says Ricardo Garrido, general manager for Kindle eBooks from the Amazon.with.br. "We were very fortunate in having been able to present so many authors, wonderful readers of eBooks Kindle".

All of the novels entered into the award will be made available in the Kindle Store, in addition to being available free of charge to customers enrolled in the program, Kindle Unlimited.


Gisele Mirabai is the Award winning Kindle of Literature … – Jornal O Globo

the RIVER – it Was a long gestation literary, crossed by the birth of two babies. The writer and screenwriter mining Gisele Mirabai, 36-year-old, based in São Paulo, began to write the novel "Field" in 2009. In the first year, took the chapters of the book to the workshop which was with the writer Marcelino Freire. In the following, she won a scholarship of literary creation of Funarte, had two children and waited for the work to be read and, with luck, adopted by a major publisher. Without success, "Field" was in the drawer. Until now. The novel was the winner of the Prize Kindle to Literature and will be published by editora Nova Fronteira in the first half. Additionally, Gisele will receive R$ 20 thousand.

The announcement was made yesterday, at the Confeitaria Colombo, in Rio, in the presence of the other two finalists for the award — Leon Idris Azevedo, author of "My shadow lies there', and Edson Soares, "The last steps of the hanged man'. To participate in the contest, the work should be unpublished, and published by Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), the tool of self-publishing from Amazon. Gisele account that has not had any experience with self-publishing and remembered the saga of his first book, the child and juvenile "Warriors of Gaia" (published by Zeus).

— many years Ago, when I published "Warriors of Gaia", I was told that the book would not sell or would be adopted in the schools because it had girls as the main characters. But this was not true. Now, I have an award-winning book with a protagonist of the woman, with a plot that goes by the sexuality and the spirituality of it, ” said the writer who, very moved, thanked the family and friends who have read the original.


In the novel, Farming is a woman who spent her childhood on a farm in Minas Gerais, fascinated by the stories of ancient civilizations. As an adult, the protagonist leads a life of reckless in London and begins a journey through the countries that have hosted the ancient people to reconnect with the story itself. The poet and scholar Geraldo Carneiro, who took part of the jury along with also the academic Carlos Heitor Cony, and the editorial staff of the New Frontier, wrote about "Field": "Here, a strong writer, birthing the world". Sheep and Cony could not attend the awards.

Gisele disputed the prize with more than 2 thousand works of 1,7 thousand writers from all brazilian states. Ricardo Garrido, general manager of content acquisition for Amazon’s Kindle.with.br said that 33 of those enrolled were between one hundred e-books sold throughout the registration period, from September to November of last year. Of these, four titles have occupied the leadership at some point. Garrido has ensured that readers and authors can expect a second edition of the award.

Gisele disputed the prize with more than 2 thousand works of 1,7 thousand writers from all brazilian states. Ricardo Garrido, general manager of content acquisition for Amazon’s Kindle.with.br said that 33 of those enrolled were between one hundred e-books sold throughout the registration period, from September to November of last year. Of these, four titles have occupied the leadership at some point. Garrido has ensured that readers and authors can expect a second edition of the award.

as for Daniele Cajueiro, editorial director of the New Frontier, signaled that the publication of the novel Gisele is the first step for new investments of the home in the literature on contemporary brazilian. In recent years, the publishing house dedicated to the re-edit works of classical brazilian and foreign, such as Machado de Assis, Marcel Proust, Simone de Beauvoir and Guimarães Rosa:

— After we devote ourselves to the classics in recent years, the contest was a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the production of our time. It was a dense, breath, which can bring new authors to our catalog.


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Gisele Mirabai is the Award winning Kindle of Literature – The Newspaper o Globo

the RIVER – it Was a long gestation literary, crossed by the birth of two babies. The writer and screenwriter mining Gisele Mirabai, 36-year-old, based in São Paulo, began to write the novel "Field" in 2009. In the first year, took the chapters of the book to the workshop which was with the writer Marcelino Freire. In the following, she won a scholarship of literary creation of Funarte, had two children and waited for the work to be read and, with luck, adopted by a major publisher. Without success, "Field" was in the drawer. Until now. The novel was the winner of the Prize Kindle to Literature and will be published by editora Nova Fronteira in the first half. Additionally, Gisele will receive R$ 20 thousand.

The announcement was made yesterday, at the Confeitaria Colombo, in Rio, in the presence of the other two finalists for the award — Leon Idris Azevedo, author of "My shadow lies there', and Edson Soares, "The last steps of the hanged man'. To participate in the contest, the work should be unpublished, and published by Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), the tool of self-publishing from Amazon. Gisele account that has not had any experience with self-publishing and remembered the saga of his first book, the child and juvenile "Warriors of Gaia" (published by Zeus).

— many years Ago, when I published "Warriors of Gaia", I was told that the book would not sell or would be adopted in the schools because it had girls as the main characters. But this was not true. Now, I have an award-winning book with a protagonist of the woman, with a plot that goes by the sexuality and the spirituality of it, ” said the writer who, very moved, thanked the family and friends who have read the original.


In the novel, Farming is a woman who spent her childhood on a farm in Minas Gerais, fascinated by the stories of ancient civilizations. As an adult, the protagonist leads a life of reckless in London and begins a journey through the countries that have hosted the ancient people to reconnect with the story itself. The poet and scholar Geraldo Carneiro, who took part of the jury along with also the academic Carlos Heitor Cony, and the editorial staff of the New Frontier, wrote about "Field": "Here, a strong writer, birthing the world". Sheep and Cony could not attend the awards.

Gisele disputed the prize with more than 2 thousand works of 1,7 thousand writers from all brazilian states. Ricardo Garrido, general manager of content acquisition for Amazon’s Kindle.with.br said that 33 of those enrolled were between one hundred e-books sold throughout the registration period, from September to November of last year. Of these, four titles have occupied the leadership at some point. Garrido has ensured that readers and authors can expect a second edition of the award.

Gisele disputed the prize with more than 2 thousand works of 1,7 thousand writers from all brazilian states. Ricardo Garrido, general manager of content acquisition for Amazon’s Kindle.with.br said that 33 of those enrolled were between one hundred e-books sold throughout the registration period, from September to November of last year. Of these, four titles have occupied the leadership at some point. Garrido has ensured that readers and authors can expect a second edition of the award.

as for Daniele Cajueiro, editorial director of the New Frontier, signaled that the publication of the novel Gisele is the first step for new investments of the home in the literature on contemporary brazilian. In recent years, the publishing house dedicated to the re-edit works of classical brazilian and foreign, such as Machado de Assis, Marcel Proust, Simone de Beauvoir and Guimarães Rosa:

— After we devote ourselves to the classics in recent years, the contest was a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the production of our time. It was a dense, breath, which can bring new authors to our catalog.


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Sunday, January 15, 2017

How To Get Google Play On The Kindle Fire And Install Any Android App You Want – Lifehacker Australia

Kindle Fire tablets are some of the best, cheapest Android tablets around, but they’re limited to Amazon’s app store, which is more than lacking compared to the thousands of apps available on the Google Play Store. With a little tweaking, though, you can run any Android app on them. You can even get the entire Google Play Store on some devices.

What You’ll Need

Amazon’s Fire tablets are based on the de-Googled version of Android, but under the hood they’re still pretty similar. This makes it pretty easy to install Android apps on your tablet, but some ways are easier than others. We’re going to cover two ways to do this. the Method #1 involves downloading the Android APK installer files and installing them directly. the Method #2 will install the entire Google Play Store, which you can use like you would on a normal Android phone. This method is a bit more complicated, but it will make it much easier to install any app you want. Plus it will give you the Google Play Services that you’ll need for most Google apps. Here’s what you’ll need for both methods:

  • The Kindle Fire Tablet: For method #1, you can use any Kindle tablet. We tested this method on an old 2nd generation 7″ Kindle and it worked. For method #2, you’ll need a 4th generation Kindle Fire or higher that’s been updated to Fire THE 5.
  • Android APKs (Method #1): If you want to install apps manually, you’ll need to get the APK from somewhere. APKs are files that Android uses to install apps, similar to .exe files in Windows. We’ll cover a few ways to get APKs, but if you have an Android phone that already has the app you want on your Fire tablet, it may come in handy.
  • Windows PC (Method #2): To install the Play Store on your device, you’ll need to connect it to a Windows PC with a USB-to-micro-USB cable.
  • ADB (Method #2): ADB is a powerful tool in the Android developer’s kit that lets you run commands on an Android device from your computer. You can download a small version of the tool from XDA here and install it in just a couple clicks. We have a full step-by-step guide here you should follow first. Once you have ADB, come back.
  • RootJunky’s SuperTool (Method #2): This tool will install the drivers you need on your computer to connect ADB to your tablet, then it will install the Google Play Store. If your Fire tablet is running Fire OS 5.3.1 or later, download the .zip file named Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-Install-Play-Store.zip from here. If you’re on an older version, grab Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-SuperTool-old.zip from here. If you’re not sure which version you’re on, open the Settings app on the main screen of your Kindle, scroll to Device Options, and tap “System Updates.” Your version number should be at the top.

The process may be slightly different, depending on your device. Let’s get started.

Method #1: Download and Install Android Apps Manually

Since the Kindle Fire tablets run a version of Android, you can manually install Android apps. First, you’ll need to tweak the setting so you can install apps from outside Amazon’s app store. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll through the apps section of your Kindle and open Settings.
  2. Tap Security.
  3. Enable the toggle that says “Apps from Unknown Sources.”

After that, you can install any app’s the APK you want, like the official Gmail app, Google Maps, or even Pokémon Go (assuming you have the model with GPS). First, you’ll need to find some. Free apps are easy to find around the web, but paid apps come with copy protection, so the easiest option there is to buy the app and install it on another Android device first.. Here are a few ways to get the ones you’re looking for:

  • Find popular apps on APK Mirror. This site hosts hundreds of apps from Google, Facebook, Samsung, and many others. Each APK is scanned to verify they’re safe. Best of all, older versions of the app are archived, so you can find the version that works for your device. This is particularly handy for Kindle owners since the latest version of Fire OS is based on the older Android Lollipop.
  • Use APK Downloader to pull apps from the Google Play Store. We’ve covered APK Downloader before, and it’s one of the easiest ways to get APKs. Simply go to an app’s Play Store listing on the web and grab the app”s package name from the address bar (the part that looks like “with.xxxx.xxxx”) and click “Generate Download Link.” Download the APK, transfer it to your Kindle, and you can install it.
  • Extract APKs from your own Android device. Since paid apps are protected, most APK extracting tools won’t touch them. However, you can do it yourself. Use an app like Astro File Manager to create a backup of an app you already installed on your phone. Slide out the left-hand navigation panel Astro and tap the tools icon, tap the App Mgr, and choose the app you want to move to your Kindle. Next, tap Backup. This will create a copy of the APK file on your phone in a folder labelled “backups.” Copy the backed up file to your Kindle and open it to install it.

Once you’ve downloaded an APK file, you should see a notification in your shade that says your download is complete. Tap it to install the file. If you missed the notification, open the Silk Browser app, tap the menu button and tap Downloads. You should be able to find your APK file there.

This method will work sometimes, but keep in mind that a lot of apps require the Google Play Services framework for critical features like location services, account login, and payment tools. Some, especially Google’s apps won’t even install or launch without this framework installed and running first. If an app you need is broken or won’t launch, try installing the Play Store with method #2.

Method #2: Install the Google Play Store

Installing the full Google Play Store is the best way to get Android apps on your Kindle tablet over the long term. You don’t have to download them one at a time, and anytime you need to install one, you can just open the store and grab it. You’ll also get Google Play Services, which means more apps will work with it. However, this method is also more complicated, and you’ll need to be comfortable with the command line.

You should also try to do this the early as possible if you have the new Fire tablet. Amazon automatically applies system updates when you’re not using your tablet device, and this method may not work with newer versions of Fire OS. Fortunately, RootJunky’s tool can block future updates, but it’s best to get started with a fresh device running 5.3.1 or earlier if possible. Mine worked on version, but future updates may break this tool. If you already have a tablet or if it’s already updated, give it a shot, but you might encounter some bugs.

To get started, you’ll need to enable developer options. Here’s how:

  1. From the Home screen, scroll down and tap the Settings app.
  2. Tap Device Options.
  3. Tap Serial Number seven times. The pop-up notification should say “You are now a developer!”
  4. new menu option named Developer Options should appear beneath the Serial Number. Tap it.
  5. Tap the toggle that reads “Enable ADB.”

For the next part, you’ll need to have ADB installed on a Windows PC. Find the RootJunky SuperTool you downloaded earlier (if you’re running 5.3.1 or later-get it here, for older versions to get it here) , then follow these steps:

  1. Connect your Fire tablet to your PC with the micro USB cable.
  2. Extract the contents of the SuperTool .zip file to their own folder.
  3. Launch the batch file named 1-Install-Play-Store-in-the SuperTool folder.
  4. When the program finishes loading, you’ll see a menu like the one above. Type 1 is “ADB driver install” and press Enter.
  5. Here, you can confirm whether ADB is working. Type 2 is “ADB driver test” and press Enter to test your ADB connection.
  6. If the app says the test failed, type 1 is “ADB driver install” to install the necessary drivers on your PC to connect to ADB with your Fire tablet.
  7. Once you’re finished, you will be returned to the main menu. Type 2 is “Install the Google Play store and remove ads from the lock screen.”
  8. After the installation is finished, you should be back at the main menu.
  9. (Optional) Type 3 is the “block OTA updates from Amazon.” This will prevent an automatic update from breaking your apps.
  10. Once you’re finished, restart your device immediately.

You should now see the Play Store listed in your apps section. The first time you install an app that uses Google Play Services, you’ll get the notification to download that as well. Once that’s finished, you can download any app from the store just like it’s a normal Android device.

However, you may notice a few bugs. In my testing, I found that Gmail and Google Maps worked fine, but Inbox crashed as soon as I opened it. Also, even though I was logged into my Google account, the Play Store didn’t recognise some paid apps I already bought. Your experience may differ depending on which device you use and which version of Fire OS you’re running.

The Kindle Fire tablets are powerful little devices that are dirt cheap. Even if you bought yours just to read books, the Play Store will unlock a lot of potential you never knew was there. Enjoy your new, more powerful tablet.


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Amazon announces the finalists for the Award Kindle of Literature – IDG Now!

brazilian Writers compete for a prize of R$ 20 thousand and the contract for the printed book. All in all, the competition received submissions from 1,700 authors

The Amazon.with.br and Editora Nova Fronteira announced on Wednesday (11/01), the three finalists for the Award Kindle of Literature. Are they “Field”, Gisele Mirabai; “My Shadow Lies There”, by Leon Idris Azevedo; and “The Last Steps of the Hanged man”, by Edson Soares.

In total, the 1,700-authors, 460 brazilian cities have submitted more than 2 thousand books to the contest, with inscriptions that were on the 1st of September to 31st of November.

To qualify for the award, the books should be novels unpublished and not yet published, written in Portuguese, in addition to exclusive for the Kindle and enrolled in KDP Select, free tool where authors and publishers offer their digital books to readers Kindle.

The winner, which will be announced next Tuesday, January 17, will have the contract for the publication of the book printed with the New Border, in addition to receiving a prize of R$ 20 thousand.

All of the novels entered into the award will be made available in the Kindle Store, in addition to being available for free to customers enrolled in the program, Kindle Unlimited.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Amazon announces the finalists for the Award Kindle of Literature – IDG … – IDG Now!

brazilian Writers compete for a prize of R$ 20 thousand and the contract for the printed book. All in all, the competition received submissions from 1,700 authors

The Amazon.with.br and Editora Nova Fronteira announced on Wednesday (11/01), the three finalists for the Award Kindle of Literature. Are they “Field”, Gisele Mirabai; “My Shadow Lies There”, by Leon Idris Azevedo; and “The Last Steps of the Hanged man”, by Edson Soares.

In total, the 1,700-authors, 460 brazilian cities have submitted more than 2 thousand books to the contest, with inscriptions that were on the 1st of September to 31st of November.

To qualify for the award, the books should be novels unpublished and not yet published, written in Portuguese, in addition to exclusive for the Kindle and enrolled in KDP Select, free tool where authors and publishers offer their digital books to readers Kindle.

The winner, which will be announced next Tuesday, January 17, will have the contract for the publication of the book printed with the New Border, in addition to receiving a prize of R$ 20 thousand.

All of the novels entered into the award will be made available in the Kindle Store, in addition to being available for free to customers enrolled in the program, Kindle Unlimited.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Amazon announces the finalists for the Award Kindle of Literature – IDG … – IDG Now!

brazilian Writers compete for a prize of R$ 20 thousand and the contract for the printed book. All in all, the competition received submissions from 1,700 authors

The Amazon.with.br and Editora Nova Fronteira announced on Wednesday (11/01), the three finalists for the Award Kindle of Literature. Are they “Field”, Gisele Mirabai; “My Shadow Lies There”, by Leon Idris Azevedo; and “The Last Steps of the Hanged man”, by Edson Soares.

In total, the 1,700-authors, 460 brazilian cities have submitted more than 2 thousand books to the contest, with inscriptions that were on the 1st of September to 31st of November.

To qualify for the award, the books should be novels unpublished and not yet published, written in Portuguese, in addition to exclusive for the Kindle and enrolled in KDP Select, free tool where authors and publishers offer their digital books to readers Kindle.

The winner, which will be announced next Tuesday, January 17, will have the contract for the publication of the book printed with the New Border, in addition to receiving a prize of R$ 20 thousand.

All of the novels entered into the award will be made available in the Kindle Store, in addition to being available for free to customers enrolled in the program, Kindle Unlimited.
